
社会主义核心价值观与新时代“中国精神”的涵养和构筑 被引量:1

The Core Values of Socialism and the Interpretation and Promotion of the “Chinese Spirit”
摘要 新时代的"中国精神"是构筑"以爱国主义为核心的民族精神"和"以改革创新为核心的时代精神"的筑魂工程。民族精神是凝心聚力的兴国之魂,创新精神是聚慧纳贤的强国之智。对其精神的涵养与构筑,新时代的中国人是建设者,中国共产党是引领者;协商民主政治为构筑中国精神提供制度保证,优秀传统文化为构筑中国精神提供智慧支持,面向现代化为构筑中国精神提供先行经验,面向世界为构筑中国精神提供广阔视野。社会主义核心价值则渗透于以上各个环节,在于无声中滋养构筑着"中国精神"。本着"不忘本来、吸收外来、面向未来"的原则,在坚守中醇厚民族特色,在开放中融入世界的主流文明,在创新中生发后现代文明精神,既为实现"民族复兴的中国梦"提供智慧源泉,也为成就"人类命运共同体"提供精神支持。 In the new era,"Chinese Spirit"is the soul building project of"national spirit,with patriotism as the core"and"times spirit with reform and innovation as the core". The national spirit is the spirit of congealing heart and gathering strength,while the spirit of innovation is the wisdom of gathering talents. The Chinese people in the new era are builders of their spiritual cultivation and construction.The communist party of China is the leader. Consultative democracy provides institutional guarantee for China’s spiritual construction.Excellent traditional culture provides wisdom support for the spiritual construction of China;The modernization encounter provides the leading experience for China’s spiritual construction;The world challenge provides a broad vision for China’s spiritual construction.And the core value of socialism is to permeate in every link above,in silent nourishment to construct the"spirit"in China,in line with"Not to forget the original target,absorbing foreign and facing the future"principle,with the rich national characteristic in the hold,into the mainstream of the world civilization in the open,germinal postmodern civilization in innovation spirit,which,not only the realization of"national rejuvenation of the Chinese dream"provides source of wisdom,but also provides spiritual support for the achievement of"a community of shared future for mankind".
作者 杨桂森 曹春雀 YANG Guisen;CAO Chunque(School of Marxism,Huizhou University,Huizhou 516007,Guangdong,China)
出处 《惠州学院学报》 2019年第5期1-5,共5页 Journal of Huizhou University
基金 教育部高校示范马克思主义学院和优秀教学科研团队建设项目(16JDSZK088)
关键词 社会主义核心价值观 中国精神 涵养与构筑 socialist core values Chinese spirit interpretation and promotion
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