
唯物史观视阈下的中国古代土地制度变迁 被引量:11

Changes in Land Ownership in Ancient China from the Perspective of Historical Materialism
摘要 生产资料所有制是社会生产关系的基础。土地是最重要的生产资料。深入剖析研究历史上的土地制度,是理解历史、认识历史、阐释历史的基础,更是理解、认识、阐释文化血脉、文明基因、制度体系,增强文化自信的基础。因此,它始终是中国马克思主义史学的优秀传统与鲜明特征。中国马克思主义史学诞生之后,特别是新中国成立以来,以对封建土地所有制形式问题的探讨为核心,中国古代土地制度研究成果丰硕,成就巨大,在国际史学界独树一帜,广受关注,允称中国风格、气派与气象。改革开放以来,随着新材料的发现和出土资料的增加,加之跨学科方法的运用以及视野的拓展等,史学界对于中国古代土地制度的认识愈加细腻与深入。 Ownership of the means of production is the basis of social production relations,and land is the most important of these means.In-depth analysis of historical land ownership is the basis for understanding and interpreting history,and more than that,is the basis for understanding and interpreting the bloodlines of culture,the genes of civilization and institutional systems and for enhancing cultural selfconfidence.It has therefore always been an outstanding tradition and distinctive feature of Chinese Marxist historiography.Since the emergence of Chinese Marxist historiography,and especially since 1949,research on land ownership in ancient China,with a focus on the form of feudal land ownership,has obtained fruitfulresults and tremendous achievements,occupying a unique position and gaining widespread attention in international historical circles;it could be said to have a"Chinese style and manner "and a Chinese atmosphere.Since reform and opening up,the discovery of new materials,an increase in archeological finds,the use of interdisciplinary methods and the expansion of horizons have enabled historians to reach a subtler and deeper understanding of ancient Chinese land ownership.As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters the new era,it is our view that in-depth discussion of the close relationship between the evolution of land ownership in ancient China and the period’s state governance and social development is a prerequisite for the deep understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions such as"History determines us" from"deep history. " We must promote the construction of an academic system for the study of history through innovative achievements that live up to the new era and are based on the excellent tradition of Chinese Marxist history,thus laying a solid foundation for scientifically demonstrating the road taken by and the laws governing Chinese history.For this reason,we have invited Professor Zang Zhifei from the School of Social Sciences at Soochow University,Professor Zhou Guolin from the School of History at the Central China Normal University,Professor Geng Yuanli from the School of History and Culture at Henan University,Professor Li Huarui from the School of History at the Capital Normal University,Associate Professor Zhao Siyuan from the School of Humanities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University,and Professor Liu Zhiwei from the Department of History at Sun Yat-sen University to write this set of special articles on the topic"Changes in Land Ownership in Ancient China from the Perspective of Historical Materialism." On the basis of inheriting,summing up,and analyzing previous research findings,they thoroughly have explored the main issues closely related to changes in land ownership from the Warring States to the Ming and Qing dynasties.Based on detailed historical data,the articles expound the nature,characteristics and laws governing the evolution of ancient Chinese land ownership in terms of the nature and form of land ownership and the relationship between household registration-based taxation,land policies,land regulations and land ownership,as well as the operation of the market in land.They reflect new achievements and trends in the study of ancient Chinese land ownership in the new era and the level of related research in the new era.This concentrated discussion of ancient Chinese land ownership represents an addition to the"five most heatedly discussed issues "(aka"five golden flowers")in Chinese historical circles.We expect this set of articles will serve as a model,under the principle of keeping to principles and pursuing innovation,it will assist Chinese Marxist historiography in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Due to their different perspectives and views,of course,these contributions may have some points that need further discussion,even though the manuscripts were scrupulously scrutinized by our review experts and conscientiously edited by the editorial department.We look forward to criticisms and corrections from all sides.
作者 臧知非 周国林 耿元骊 李华瑞 赵思渊 刘志伟 Zang Zhifei;Zhou Guolin;Geng Yuanli;Li Huarui;Zhao Siyuan;Liu Zhiwei
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期153-166,207,208,共16页 Social Sciences in China
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“秦汉农民身份演变的历史考察”(15AZS008)中期成果之一 国家社会科学基金重大项目“古代中国乡村治理与社会秩序研究”(18ZDA171) 国家社会科学基金重点项目“唐宋乡村社会控制与生存秩序研究”(18AZS007)阶段性成果之一
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