
平面交叉口安全风险分析及改善措施研究 被引量:2

Study of Safety Risk Analysis and Improvement Measures of Plane Intersection
摘要 通过对道路系统安全进行平面交叉口安全及改善问题研究,提出平面交叉口安全风险分析及改善措施研究流程;改进传统前后事故对比法,建立平面交叉口安全风险分析模型,基于显著性和严重性进行安全风险要素排序,明确需解决的主要安全隐患;然后引入事故折减系数,选用效益成本比构建平面交叉口改善措施择优模型,综合考虑安全效益及成本指标进行改善措施排序择优,确定最终改善措施.以山东省省道327与仲宫大桥交叉口为例进行安全改善分析,择定进口道设置车道导向标线等7项最终改善措施. Aiming at ensuring the safety of road system,the process of safety risk analysis and improvement measures for plane intersections were proposed systematically,and a safety risk analysis model of plane intersections was established by improving the traditional before-and-after accident comparison method.The safety risk elements were ranked based on significance and severity,the main safety hidden dangers were identified,and the optimization model of plan intersection improvement measures was constructed by benefit cost ratio.The safety benefit index and cost index were taken into account to optimize the sequence of improvement measures and determines the final improvement measures.The safety improvement was carried out at the intersection of Shandong Provincial Highway 327 and Zhonggong Bridge,and 7 final improvement measures were selected and determined to improve the intersection safety.The result shows that this method can scientifically determine the main safety risk factors of the intersections,and put forward improvement measures in a targeted way,which is helpful for the management department to carry out intersection safety assessment and improvement work.
作者 袁黎 张誉 何娟 蔡尧 YUAN Li;ZHANG Yu;HE Juan;CAI Yao(College of Civil and Transportation Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China)
出处 《大连交通大学学报》 CAS 2020年第1期7-11,共5页 Journal of Dalian Jiaotong University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金资助项目
关键词 交通安全 交叉口安全风险分析 安全改善措施择优 效益成本比 事故折减系数 traffic safety safety risk analysis of intersection safety improvement measures optimization benefit cost ratio crash reduction factor
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