
治史传统与当代经验——谢冕、洪子诚的文学史研究 被引量:1

Historical Research Tradition and Contemporary Experience:Xie Mian and Hong Zicheng’s Research of Literary History
摘要 中国当代文学史研究,是当代文学研究重要的组成部分。近年来,关于当代文学史研究的话题又一次成为“显学”,特别是关于当代文学“史料”问题的讨论。北京大学是中国文学史研究的重镇,从1904年起至今,文学史研究的学术传统一直在延续。谢冕、洪子诚是中国当代文学学科的奠基者,他们相继编写了多部当代文学史的教材或专著,但其文学史书写风格却完全不同:一如大江东去气势夺人,以主体性见长;一如春风化雨润物无声,以客观性见长。他们的文学史写作,在继承北大文学史写作传统的同时,亦为治中国当代文学史构建和积累了重要的当代经验。 The research of Chinese contemporary literature history is an important part of contemporary literature research.In recent years,the topic of the study of contemporary literature history has once again become“obvious science”,especially the discussion of the“historical data”of contemporary literature.Beijing University is an important place for the study of the history of Chinese literature.From 1904 to the present,the academic tradition of literary history has continued.Xie Mian and Hong Zicheng are the founders of the discipline of contemporary Chinese literature.They have successively written several textbooks or monographs on the history of contemporary literature,but their writing styles are completely different:One is as passionate as the mighty river flowing eastward,being good at its subjectivity;the other is as gentle as spring rain,known for its objectivity.Their literary history writing has also constructed and accumulated important contemporary experience for the research of Chinese contemporary literature history while inheriting Beijing University's literary history writing tradition.
作者 孟繁华 MENG Fan-hua(Research Institute of Chinese Culture and Literature,Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang 110031,China)
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
关键词 北京大学 文学史传统 谢冕 洪子诚 当代文学史 Peking University Literature History Tradition Xie Mian Hong Zicheng Contemporary Literature History
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