
固体核磁共振技术在水泥基材料研究中的应用 被引量:2

Applications of Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Cementitious Materials Research
摘要 水泥基材料组分、结构复杂,其水化过程、水化产物组成和结构表征是研究中的难点.一维固体核磁共振谱图可定性或定量分析胶凝材料(水泥及矿物掺合料)的水化程度、水化产物(特别是非晶相)的种类和结构,从而揭示胶凝材料的组成、外加剂和环境等因素对水泥基材料水化过程的影响.而二维核磁共振谱可进一步研究不同或同种原子核之间的连接情况,从而明确水化产物中的掺杂、取代,以及有机外加剂在水泥浆体中的分散情况.因此,固体核磁共振技术可获取其它方法难以获得的信息,有力促进水泥水化及其微观结构的研究. Cementitious materials have complex compositions and structures.Characterization of the hydration processes,and compositions and structure of productions of cementitious materials is challenging.One-dimensional solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)is used to analyze the hydration degree of the binders(i.e.,cement and mineral admixtures),as well as the species and structure of the hydration products(especially the non-crystal components),both qualitatively or quantitatively.Thereby,the effects of binder components,additives,and environment on the hydration process can be investigated.Twodimensional NMR spectroscopy can provide further information on the connections between the same or different nuclei,confirming the presence of doping and substitution in the hydration products,as well as dispersion of organic additives in the matrix.It is concluded that solid-state NMR technology can be used to obtain information that rarely provided by other methods,and may advance the research on hydration process and microstructure of the cementitious materials.
作者 王可 张英华 李雨晴 邹定华 WANG Ke;ZHANG Ying-hua;LI Yu-qing;ZOU Ding-hua(School of Materials Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,China)
出处 《波谱学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第1期40-51,共12页 Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1604117)
关键词 核磁共振 水泥基材料 化学位移 水化 C-S-H凝胶 nuclear magnetic resonance cementitious materials chemical shift hydration C-S-H gel
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