
新时代收入分配理论及实践探究——兼论民族地区精准扶贫 被引量:4

A Study of Income Distribution Theory and Practice in the New Era ——Discussions on Precise Poverty Alleviation in Ethnic Areas
摘要 当前我国已经进入新时代,社会主要矛盾发生了历史转化,党的十九大报告指出我们更需要解决好发展不平衡不充分的阶段难题。收入分配制度改革涉及利益范围广、程度深、是关键性改革,是完善社会主义市场经济体制的一项重要任务。本文立足于马克思主义相关论断,回顾了我国收入分配制度建立及改革开放以来的历次重要调整,对新时代收入分配理论的创新发展进行了梳理,重点探讨了如何有效发挥政府与市场作用、三次收入分配的政策选择问题,兼述民族地区精准扶贫的重要意义及下一步有效减贫路径。认真领会新时代收入分配思想,继续推进扶贫减贫,健全完善体现效率、促进公平的收入分配制度,可以实现公平与效率的动态合理均衡。 The construction of an income distribution system is a strategic fulcrum that concerns the people’s well-being and a promotion of the development of China’s socialist modernization.It is also one of the basic issues discussed in applied economics.At present,China has entered a New Era,and the principal social contradictions have undergone a historical transformation.The 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China points out that some of the acute problems caused by unbalanced and inadequate development are still waiting for solutions.The reform of the income distribution system involves a wide range of interests and,to a deep degree,it is a key reform and an important task for improving the socialist market economy.Based on relevant Marxist arguments,this paper reviews the establishment of China’s income distribution system and important adjustments of the system that have taken place since reform and opening up.It summarizes the innovative development of the socialist income distribution theory in the New Era and also probes into the significance of precise poverty alleviation in ethnic areas.In the early years of the New China,we followed the socialist distribution system based upon work.However,the accelerated construction of the socialist planned economy and the widespread occupation of the"left-leaning"ideology led to the implementation of egalitarian distribution.This seriously dampened the enthusiasm of the working people for production,and also seriously hindered China’s socialist development.Since the period of reform and opening up,there have been five major adjustments to the income distribution system and its policy orientation.The first adjustment began in 1978,the early stage of the period of reform and opening up,during which we broke egalitarianism,promoted the principle of"distribution according to work",and,for the first time,implemented a fair distribution of labor income.The second adjustment began with the convening of the 13 th National Congress of the CPC in 1987.Profound changes in the distribution of income appeared–this clearly illustrated that the distribution mode in the primary stage of socialism could not be singular,and that we must adhere to the principle of distribution according to work as the main body,with other distribution methods as supplementary,and,furthermore,that we must pay attention to the equality of distribution results(Zeng,Hu,2009).The third adjustment began with the convening of the Third Plenary Session of the 14 th Central Committee of the CPC in 1993.This adjustment explicitly set forth the need to establish a reasonable system of individual income distribution system and a social security system by founding"an income distribution system with the principle of distribution according to work done as the main body while giving priority to efficiency and stressing fairness";Upon entering the new millennium,the 16 th CPC National Congress in 2002 announced the fourth adjustment.This stated that we should establish the principle that labor,capital,technology,managerial expertise and other production factors participate in the distribution of income in accordance with their respective contributions,thereby improving the system under which distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist.It affirmed the important position of labor and non-labor factors respectively(Liu Wei,2018).The fifth adjustment was to deepen the reform of the income distribution system since the 18 th CPC National Congress in 2012.It adhered to the people-centered philosophy of development,systematically put forward the policy that both primary distribution and redistribution should give consideration to efficiency and equity,and redistribution should pay more attention to equity.The new thinking on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era was developed and innovations were made to the theory of socialist income distribution.The report at the 19 th National Congress of the CPC emphasized"adhering to and improving the income distribution system"and creatively developing socialist distribution theory.The development and innovation of the socialist income distribution theory in the New Era put forward the concrete feasible choice of adapting Marxist income distribution theory to the Chinese context,and sharing a co-construction driven by efficiency under the principle of social equity.The report at the 19 th National Congress of the CPC clearly stated"improving our institutions and mechanisms for distribution based on factors of production".This not only indicates that we should continue to adhere to the mode of distribution by factors,but also points out that the deepening reform of income distribution in the coming period will also improve the factor market and market mechanism.The report at the 19 th National Congress of the CPC proposes that"we will work to see that individual income grows in step with economic development,and pay rises in tandem with increases in labor productivity."Not only should the"pie"of social wealth be enlarged so as to provide the basis for the growth of residents’income;but also more attention should be paid to the income of residents in the distribution of social wealth.In particular,a more reasonable and orderly distribution pattern should be established to distribute the"pie"of social wealth.In constructing the income distribution system in the New Era,accelerating the equalization of basic public services is key.Realizing the equalization of basic public services will realize initial social equity.The income distribution system in the New Era has accelerated the equalization of basic public services,and enriched the socialist income distribution theory.The strategy of precise poverty alleviation is put forward in order to distinguish it from the extensive method of poverty alleviation,and it proposes that poverty alleviation work should be precise and target households and individuals.The income distribution system in the New Era has paid more institutional attention to the poor and other low-income groups.By using fiscal transfer payments,social security and other means to lift people out of poverty in a sustained and stable manner,we should resolutely win the battle against poverty and achieve poverty reduction.The market and the government have always been two hands in regulating economic operation.The market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources,and the main function of the government is to maintain the reasonable operation of the market.They must work together.When market failure occurs,the government should promptly appear and exercise its responsibility to allocate resources fairly and rationally.To achieve fair and reasonable income distribution,we must make good use of these two hands,properly handle the relationship between the government and the market,give full play to the role of the government and the market in distribution,fulfill their respective roles,and effectively and rationally distribute social wealth.That is,the market plays the role of basic distribution,reflecting the fairness of the process;and the government plays a role in adjusting distribution to ensure fair results.In addition,a sound income distribution system is an important part of the improvement of the socialist market economy,and an income distribution system that reflects efficiency and promotes fairness will also help to better enable the advantages of the socialist market economy.Under the conditions of the market economy,the distribution of national income can be divided into primary distribution,redistribution and third distribution.The primary distribution is the distribution directly connected with the factors of production;the redistribution of income is social transfer distribution relying on fiscal taxation;and the third distribution focuses on charity.The reform of the income distribution system has entered a deep-water zone.And,in terms of policy choices,we should pay attention to the internal links of the system,make systematic adjustments,and carry out reform measures at different levels and in different divisions.The first is to improve the system of market factors and the primary distribution mechanism based on the contribution of production factors;Second,we need to optimize the fiscal and taxation systems,improve social security public services,and speed up the improvement of the mechanisms for adjusting redistribution.The third is to cultivate and develop charitable organizations and effectively supervise them,so they can play a supplementary role in the third distribution.
作者 恩佳 李鹏飞 En Jia;Li Pengfei(Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期9-16,109-111,共11页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 教育部人文社科一般项目“经济转型背景下我国西部少数民族地区自我发展能力增强研究”(14YJA850001) 西南民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目“后扶贫时代下民族地区对口支援政策的优化路径研究”(2019YYXS11)阶段性成果
关键词 收入分配理论 新时代 政府和市场 精准扶贫 income distribution theory the New Era government and market distribution policy
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