
会战疫情 议谋发展 解读危机下会议业的自我救赎 被引量:1

Discussion on the Epidemic Situation for Development Interpreting the Self-redemption of Conference Industry under Crisis
摘要 自2019年12月湖北省武汉市爆发“新冠肺炎”疫情以来,疫情在两个月的时间里迅速蔓延到全国各地,对我国国民健康带来重大伤害。疫情不仅严重威胁到民众的生命健康,更对我国现阶段经济社会的发展带来巨大冲击。受此影响,中国会议行业的发展也面临严峻的挑战。受疫情影响,赛事停办、会议取消、活动延期,旅游业发展遭受沉重打击。国外游客与商旅客人纷纷改变行程或取消来华的各项商务活动。同时也促使酒店业、消费业、娱乐业、餐饮业、旅游业等会议产业多个周边领域的生产、经营活动陷入困境。众所周知,会奖六要素是构成现代会议业发展的基本条件,是会议经济的驱动力与带动力,更是拉动地区经济发展的主要推手。面对突如其来的疫情,中国会议人虽然抛开自身利益,勇于奉献。但是面对严峻的市场发展态势,如何在狙击疫情的前提下,迅速展开生产自救,在危机下如何拉动行业发展前进,已经成为时下行业关注的焦点与值得探讨的话题。 Since the outbreak of "novel coronavirus(2019-nCoV)" in Wuhan, Hubei Province in December 2019, the epidemic has spread rapidly throughout the country in two months, causing significant harm to the national health of our country. The epidemic not only seriously threatened the lives and health of the people, but also brought a huge impact on China’s current economic and social development. Affected by this, the development of China’s conference industry is also facing severe challenges.Affected by the epidemic, the tournament was suspended, the meeting was cancelled, and the event was postponed. The development of the tourism industry was severely hit. Foreign tourists and business travelers have changed their itineraries or cancelled various business activities in China. At the same time, it has also caused the production and operationactivities in many peripheral areas of the conference industry such as the hotel industry, consumer industry, entertainment industry, catering industry, and tourism industry to be in trouble. As we all know, the six elements of the conference award are the basic conditions for the development of the modern conference industry and the driving force and driving force of the conference economy. It is also the main driving force for regional economic development. In the face of the sudden epidemic, the Chinese conference members, despite their own interests, were brave enough to dedicate. However, in the face of a severe development situation, how to quickly launch production self-rescue under the premise of sniping the epidemic, and how to promote the development of the industry under the crisis have become the focus of the industry and a topic worth exploring.
作者 裴超
机构地区 不详
出处 《中国会展》 2020年第4期30-37,8,共8页 China Conference & Exhibition
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