
正方形排列四圆柱体绕流特性及互扰效应研究 被引量:2

Study on the characteristics and interference effects of flow around four square-arranged circular cylinders
摘要 基于计算流体动力学理论,运用大涡模拟方法对雷诺数Re=3900三维正方形排列四圆柱体结构群的绕流问题进行数值计算,主要分析来流攻角与间距比两个参数对四圆柱体结构群流体参数及流场模态的影响。结果表明:来流攻角与间距比均对四圆柱体结构群绕流特性有较强的影响;来流攻角θ=0°、22.5°、45°下,临界间距比分别为3.5、4.0、3.0;间距比的变化会导致下游圆柱表面压力系数分布发生改变;另一方面,间距比较小时,四圆柱体结构之间的互扰作用均以临近效应为主;随间距比增大,上游圆柱尾流对下游圆柱有显著影响,其互扰作用会转变尾激效应。 Based on the computational fluid dynamic theory,the flow around three-dimensional four circular cylinders in the square configuration is investigated numerically under Re=3900 by using large eddy simulation(LES).The effects of spacing ratio and the incidence angle on the fluid force coefficients and flow patterns of four square-arranged circular cylinders are analyzed emphatically.The results indicate that the spacing ratio and the incidence angle have great influences on the fluid characteristics of four square-arranged circular cylinders.The results show that the critical spacing ratios of the flow around four circular cylinders with a square arrangement are 3.5(α=0°),4.0(α=22.5°)and 3.0(α=45.0°),respectively.The variation of the spacing ratio gives rise to the change of the pressure coefficient distribution on the surface of the downstream circular cylinder.On the other hand,at small spacing ratio,the interaction between the four cylinders is mainly the proximity effect.With the increasing of spacing ratio,the wake of the upstream cylinder has a significant effect on the downstream one,and the interaction between the cylinders transforms to the wake interference.
作者 涂佳黄 唐彪 曹波 王程 梁经群 Tu Jiahuang;Tang Biao;Cao Bo;Wang Cheng;Liang Jingqun(College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,Xiangtan University,411105,Xiangtan,China;Hunan Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Engineering Safety,411105,Xiangtan,China;CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive Co.,Ltd,412000,Zhuzhou,China)
出处 《应用力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期32-40,I0003,共10页 Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(11602214) 湖南省教育厅科学研究优秀青年项目(18B079) 中国博士后科学基金(2017M622593) 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目(2016JJ3117)
关键词 四圆柱体 来流攻角 间距比 流体力系数 互扰效应 four square-arranged circular cylinder incidence angle spacing ratio fluid force coefficient interference effect
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