
利多卡因对小鼠切口愈合的影响 被引量:1

Effects of lidocaine on incision healing in mice
摘要 目的观察皮下注射不同剂量利多卡因对小鼠切口愈合的影响。方法将小鼠随机分为4组(n=10):生理盐水(NS)组、利多卡因10 mg·kg^-1、20 mg·kg^-1和40 mg·kg^-1(L10、L20、L40)组。L10组、L20组、L40组分别于切皮前10 min皮下注射相应剂量的利多卡因,NS组于切皮前10 min皮下注射等容积的生理盐水。切皮后72 h及96 h测量各组小鼠切口长度,并于第5~10天记录各组小鼠每天愈合只数,计算各组小鼠平均愈合天数和每天切口累计愈合率。结果与NS组相比,术后72 h,L40组切口长度明显缩短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);术后96 h,L20组及L40组切口长度显著缩短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P <0.01)。L10组、L20组和L40组小鼠切口平均愈合天数均短于NS组,其中以L40组最短。L40组第7、8、9天切口累计愈合率高于NS组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 20 mg·kg^-1、40 mg·kg^-1利多卡因可促进小鼠切口的愈合。 Objective To observe the effects of subcutaneous injection of lidocaine at different doses on incision healing in mice.Methods Kunming mice were randomly divided into 4 groups(n=10):a normal saline(NS) group and 10 mg·kg^-1,20 mg·kg^-1,40 mg·kg^-1 lidocaine(L10,L20,and L40) groups.Corresponding doses of lidocaine were subcutaneously injected in L10,L20 and group 10 min before skin incising,while the same volume of NS was administered in the NS group.The length of incision was measured 72 h and 96 h after operation in each group.The number of mice with healed wound was daily recorded from Days 5-10,and the average incision healing time and the cumulative incision healing rate on each day were calculated in each group.Results Compared with the NS group,the L40group showed remarkably shortened incision length 72 h after operation(P <0.01),while markedly shortened incision length was found in the L20andL40groups 96 h after operation(P <0.05 or P <0.01).The average incision healing time in the L10,L20 and groups were shorter than that in the NS group.Meanwhile,the group produced markedly higher cumulative incision healing rates on Days 7,8 and 9,compared with the NS group(P <0.05).Conclusions20 mg·kg^-1 and 40 mg·kg^-1 lidocaine can promote incision healing in mice.
作者 李哲 王嘉豪 潘豪杰 谭程 虞慧倩 尹春博 乔小利 任祎琳 王丹 LI Zhe;WANG Jiahao;PAN Haojie;TAN Cheng;YU Huiqian;YIN Chunbo;QIAO Xiaoli;REN Yilin;WANG Dan(Grade 2015,School of Anesthesiology,Xuzhou Medical University,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221004,China;Department of Anesthetic Pharmacology,Xuzhou Medical University,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221004,China)
出处 《徐州医科大学学报》 CAS 2019年第12期878-880,共3页 Journal of Xuzhou Medical University
基金 江苏高校品牌专业建设工程资助项目(PPZY2015A066)
关键词 利多卡因 切口愈合 小鼠 皮下注射 lidocaine incision healing mice subcutaneous injection
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