
儿童肝衰竭在血液净化治疗中并发脑疝3例 被引量:2

Pediatric liver failure complicated by cerebral hernia during the treatment of blood purification:a report of 3 cases
摘要 1病例报告例1及例2均为毒蕈中毒。例1,女,7岁7个月,体重17 kg。主诉:误食毒蘑菇后腹痛4 d,谵妄2 d。例2,男,6岁4个月,体重22 kg。主诉:食用野蘑菇后呕吐、腹泻2 d。2例患儿入院查体均生命体征平稳,嗜睡状,阵阵烦躁、谵妄,双侧瞳孔等大等圆,对光反射灵敏;全腹轻压痛,肝脏肋下分别为1.5 cm及4.0 cm,质韧;四肢肌力肌张力正常,病理征阴性。 Cerebral hernia occurred in three children with liver failure during the treatment of blood purification was reported in this paper.Of the three cases,two cases were attributed to mushroom poisoning,and the cause of one case remained unknown.all of them had hepatic encephalopathy on admission.Plasma exchange(PE)or PE sequential continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration(CVVHDF)was selected for blood purification.The albumin level of the three cases decreased after blood purification treatment,and the cerebral hernia occurred in the course of CVVHDF treatment.the symptoms of two cases were relieved after blood return,which indicates that clinicians should pay attention to the effect of blood purification on plasma osmotic pressure,blood volume and other factors in children with liver failure so as to avoid blood purification aggravating the process of cerebral edema.
作者 熊道学 姜建渝 冯琰 张小蓉 王玲 XIONG Daoxue;JIANG Jianyu;FENG Yan
出处 《临床急诊杂志》 CAS 2019年第12期982-984,共3页 Journal of Clinical Emergency
关键词 肝衰竭 血液净化 脑疝 儿童 liver failure blood purification cerebral hernia children
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