
印迹材料MIP-PDAC/PSA的制备及对谷氨酸对映体识别拆分的研究 被引量:2

Preparation of Imprinting Materia lMIP-PDAC/PSA and Its Application for the Identification and Resolution of Glutamate Enantiomers
摘要 以伯胺树脂球为基质,谷氨酸(Glu)的一种对映体L-谷氨酸为模板分子,N,N-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(MBA)为交联剂,通过接枝交联聚合与印迹过程同步法制备了L-谷氨酸的分子表面印迹材料MIP-PDAC/PSA。以D-谷氨酸为对比物研究MIP-PDAC/PSA对谷氨酸(Glu)对映体进行拆分的可行性。实验结果表明,印迹材料MIP-PDAC/PSA对L-谷氨酸具有良好的识别选择性。相对于D-谷氨酸识别选择性系数为5.92,表现出良好的拆分性能。此外,印迹材料MIP-PDAC/PSA具有良好的解吸性能,解吸率达到98.34%。 L-Glu molecular surface imprinting material MIP-PDAC/PSA was prepared using primary amine resin spheres as the matrix, L-Glu as the template molecule, and N,N-methylene diacrylamide(MBA) as the cross-linking agent.D-Glu was used as the contrast to study the feasibility of the separation of glutamate(Glu)enantiomers by MIP-PDAC/PSA.The results showed that MIP-PDAC/PSA had good selectivity for L-Glu.Compared to D-Glu, the recognition selectivity coefficient was 5.92, showing good resolution performance.In addition, the imprinted material MIP-PDAC/PSA had good desorption performance, and the desorption rate was up to 98.34%.
作者 何红芳 李延斌 余佳照 胡译之 HE Hong-fang;LI Yan-bin;YU Jia-zhao;HU Yi-zhi(Department of Chemistry,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China)
机构地区 中北大学化学系
出处 《精细化工中间体》 CAS 2019年第5期41-46,共6页 Fine Chemical Intermediates
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21404093)
关键词 表面印迹材料 谷氨酸 手性拆分 surface-molecular glutamate chiral resolution
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