
白血病患儿家庭坚韧性及其影响因素研究 被引量:9

Study on the family hardiness and its influencing factors in children with leukemia
摘要 目的探讨白血病患儿家庭坚韧性的现状及其影响因素。方法选取山西省儿童医院2017年8月至11月住院的白血病患儿及其照顾者。采用便利抽样法进行问卷调查,共发放问卷100份,问卷内容包括一般状况调查表、家庭坚韧性量表(FHI)、父母应对方式量表(CHIP)和正性负性情绪量表(PANAS)。结果共回收有效问卷92份。白血病患儿家庭坚韧性得分为(3.29±0.43)分,其中责任得分为(3.32±0.45)分,控制得分为(3.31±0.46)分,挑战得分为(3.23±0.53)分,责任得分最高,挑战得分最低。白血病患儿照顾者应对方式使用频率的得分为(3.64±0.70)分,其中采用频率最高的为"家庭团结、乐观、合作的态度"[(3.73±0.89)分],正性情绪[(3.28±0.84)分]和负性情绪[(2.51±0.80)分]处于中等水平。不同患儿性别、年龄、化疗阶段、医疗保险状况、患儿的照顾者及其年龄、家庭居住地、文化程度间家庭坚韧性得分比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。患儿年龄、CHIP-1、CHIP-2、正性情绪、负性情绪是影响家庭坚韧性的独立因素(均P<0.05)。CHIP、CHIP-1、CHIP-2、正性情绪与家庭坚韧性呈正相关(r值分别为0.827、0.883、0.707、0.846,均P<0.01);负性情绪与家庭坚韧性呈负相关(r=-0.832,P<0.01)。结论白血病患儿家庭坚韧性处于中等偏上水平,患儿年龄、照顾者应对方式、正性情绪、负性情绪是影响患儿家庭坚韧性的因素。 Objective To investigate the current status of family hardiness and its influencing factors in children with leukemia.Methods The children with leukemia and their caregivers in the Children's Hospital of Shanxi from August to November 2017 were enrolled.A questionnaire survey was conducted using a convenient sampling method,and 100 questionnaires were distributed.The questionnaire included the General Status Questionnaire,the Family Hardiness Index(FHI),the Coping Health Inventory for Parents(CHIP)and the Positive and Negative Affect Scale(PANAS).Results A total of 92 valid questionnaires were collected.Among the scores of family hardiness in children with leukemia[(3.29±0.43)points],the responsibility score[(3.32±0.45)points]was higher than the control score[(3.31±0.46)points]and the challenge score[(3.23±0.53)points],and the challenge score was the lowest.The score of frequency of coping styles used by the caregiver of the child with leukemia was(3.64±0.70)points,the most frequent coping style used by the caregiver was"family unity,optimism,cooperative attitude"[(3.73±0.89)points],and the positive[(3.28±0.84)points]and negative[(2.51±0.80)points]emotions were in a moderate state.The child's sex,age,stage of chemotherapy and medical insurance status,the caregiver of the child,the age of the caregiver,the family's place of residence,and the education level were the related factors affecting the family hardiness score(all P<0.01).The age of child,CHIP-1,CHIP-2,positive emotion and negative emotion were independent factors affecting the family hardiness(all P<0.05).The CHIP,CHIP-1,CHIP-2 and positive emotion were positively correlated with the family hardiness(r values were 0.827,0.883,0.707 and 0.846,all P<0.01);the negative emotion was negatively correlated with the family hardiness(r=-0.832,P<0.01).Conclusion The family hardiness of children with leukemia is in the middle and upper level,the children's age,caregiver's coping style,positive emotion and negative emotion are factors affecting the family hardiness.
作者 王晓欢 王琳 程艳丽 郝国平 陆海燕 王静 索涛莉 薛云珍 Wang Xiaohuan;Wang Lin;Cheng Yanli;Hao Guoping;Lu Haiyan;Wang Jing;Suo Taoli;Xue Yunzhen(Department of Hematology,Children's Hospital of Shanxi,Taiyuan 030013,China;School of Humanities and Social Sciences,Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China)
出处 《白血病.淋巴瘤》 CAS 2019年第12期753-757,共5页 Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma
基金 中美宗教文化心理学合作项目(FS06XYZ) 山西省卫生健康委员会科研课题(2018072)。
关键词 白血病 儿童 家庭坚韧性 影响因素 心理疗法 Leukemia Child Family hardiness Influencing factors Psychotherapy
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