
沈阳某医院学龄前期和学龄期儿童青少年呼吸系统疾病分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Respiratory Diseases among Preschool and School-Age Children and Adolescents in a Hospital in Shenyan
摘要 目的了解某医院学龄前期和学龄期儿童青少年呼吸系统疾病现状及变化趋势,青少年呼吸疾病的科学防治提供参考资料。方法回顾性分析某三级甲等医院2012年1月1日-2018年12月31日期间收治的44 397例患有呼吸系统疾病的学龄前期和学龄期儿童青少年的住院病案首页资料,收集患者的性别、年龄、疾病主要诊断、住院天数等信息进行统计分析。结果罹患呼吸系统疾病以学龄前期儿童为主,占比74.2%。呼吸系统疾病构成比呈逐年上升趋势,Trend-X^2=515.591,P<0.001。男女患者性别比为1.40:1,平均住院日逐年缩短。上呼吸道的其他疾病、流行性感冒和肺炎最为多见,累计占比89.72%。收治的流行性感冒和肺炎患者构成比呈上升趋势,Trend-X^2=272.482,P<0.001。结论进一步加强儿童青少年急性上呼吸道感染、流行性感冒和肺炎的防治工作。针对幼儿园和中小学应加强呼吸系统疾病的卫生健康教育、提高肺炎和流感疫苗接种率等措施以有效降低儿童呼吸系统疾病的发生。 Objective To understand the current situation and trend of respiratory diseases among school-age children and adolescents in Shenyang, and to provide references for scientific prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases among children and adolescents.Methods A retrospective analysis was made of the first page data of 44397 school-age children and adolescents with respiratory diseases admitted to a tertiary A-level hospital in Shenyang in recent seven years. The information of gender, age, main diagnosis of diseases and length of stay were collected for statistical analysis. Results From 2012 to 2018, preschool children accounted for 74.2% of respiratory diseases. The proportion of respiratory diseases increased year by year(Trend-χ~2=515.591,P<0.001). The sex ratio of male to female patients was 1.40:1, and the average hospitalization days were shortened year by year. Other diseases of upper respiratory tract, influenza and pneumonia were the most common, accounting for 89.72%. The proportion of patients with influenza and pneumonia in our hospital showed an upward trend(Trend-χ~2=272.482,P<0.001). Conclusion Health education on respiratory diseases of preschool children should be focused on, and prevention and treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections, influenza and pneumonia among children and adolescents should be further strengthened. Kindergartens and primary and secondary schools should strengthen health education, improve the vaccination rate of pneumonia and influenza vaccines and other measures to effectively reduce the incidence of respiratory diseases in children.
作者 李娟 Li Juan(Shengjing Hospital Affiliated to China Medical University,Shenyang 110023,Liaoning Province,China)
出处 《中国病案》 2019年第12期80-82,共3页 Chinese Medical Record
关键词 学龄前期 学龄期 青少年 呼吸系统疾病 构成比 Pre-school age School age Adolescents Respiratory diseases Composition ratio
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