

Results and analysis of bond fatigue test of BFRP reinforced concrete interface
摘要 近年来玄武岩增强材料,即BFRP,得到了广泛的推广。由于在损伤部位粘贴BFRP加固材料从而达到修复结构损伤的方法简单且施工简便,因此,成为加固和修复钢筋混凝土结构的主要方法。本文对BFRP-混凝土界面粘结疲劳试验的过程及结果进行归纳,分析疲劳循环次数下界面的应变分布规律,总结出影响BFRP-混凝土界面粘结疲劳强度的影响因素有BFRP粘结长度、胶层厚度和混凝土强度等级。 In recent years,basalt reinforced material,BFRP,has been widely used.Because of the advantages of simple and easy construction,the method of strengthening concrete structure with BFRP is the main method.The fatigue failure has a certain suddenness,and there is no obvious sign before the failure,which has a great influence on the structural members.Based on the process and results of bfrp-concrete interface bond fatigue test participated by master during his school life,this paper analyzes the strain distribution of interface under the number of fatigue cycles,and concludes that the influencing factors of bfrp-concrete interface bond fatigue strength are BFRP bond length,adhesive layer thickness and concrete strength grade.
作者 姜浩 宋航 JIANG Hao;SONG Hang(Jinlin Jianzhu University,Changchun 130118,China)
出处 《四川建材》 2020年第2期13-14,共2页 Sichuan Building Materials
基金 吉林省科技发展计划重点科技研发项目(20180201079) 吉林省省级产业创新专项资金项目 (2017C050-3)
关键词 BFRP 疲劳性能 界面强度 粘结长度 胶层厚度 BFRP fatigue property interface strength bond length adhesive layer thickness
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