
职业病病人经济风险分担机制探讨 被引量:2

Research on the Economic Risk Sharing Mechanism of Occupational Disease Patients
摘要 通过对我国当前职业病病人经济风险分担机制及其问题进行剖析发现,我国职业病病人经济风险分担机制是用人单位为主要负担者、政府保基本、个人或非盈利组织为补充,但实践中还存在诊断和鉴定过程比较繁琐、落实工伤待遇比较困难、赔偿和其他保障救助不到位等问题。建议更加重视应对职业病病人经济风险,诊断鉴定过程中让劳动者少跑路、少等待、少提供材料、少额外开销,施行《工伤保险条例》时让劳动者应参保尽参保、应赔付尽赔付、保障水平“就高不就低”,同时,充分利用现有大病救助制度,鼓励利用市场机制分散病人经济风险,拓宽救助渠道,提高救助精准性。 The current economic risks sharing mechanism and its problems of occupational disease patients in China are analyzed to find that the economic risks sharing mechanism of occupational disease patients in China are the employer bearing the main expenses,the government guaranteeing the basic expenses,individual or non-profit organization guaranteeing burden bearing the supplementary expenses.However,in practice,there are still many problems such as the trivial process of diagnosis and identification,the difficulties in implementing the treatment of work-related injuries,and the insufficiency of compensation and other social security.It is recommended to pay more attention to the economic risks of occupational diseases patients.In the process of diagnosis and identification,better services should be provided to the patients to save their time,cost and energy.The work-related injury insurance premiums should be paid strictly for all of the laborers and compensation should be paid for all of the occupational disease patients as high as possible according to Regulation on Work-related Injury Insurance.It is also recommended to make full use of the existing serious disease rescue system,spread patient economic risks by market mechanisms,broaden the channels of assistance,and improve the accuracy of assistance.
作者 张鸽 ZHANG Ge(National Center for Occupational Safety and Health,National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China,Beijing,10230&China)
出处 《中国卫生经济》 北大核心 2020年第2期47-50,共4页 Chinese Health Economics
关键词 职业病病人 经济风险分担机制 健康扶贫 occupational disease patients the economic risk sharing mechanism poverty alleviation in healthcare
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