The LHCb Collaboration has measured the doubly charmed baryon,■^++cc(ucc),through two different decay channels[1,2]in p+p collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7,8 and 13 TeV.While they have performed similar searches for the doubly charmed baryon ■^+cc(dcc),it has not yet been observed by LHCb[3].However,the fixed-target experiment,SELEX,at Fermilab,reported the observation of the ■^+cc in two different decay channels with a 600 GeV charged hyperon beam[4,5].The beam was composed of an admixture of π^±,p,p components as well as the Σ^- hyperon.Much discussion has arisen over the fact that the fixed-target observations have not been easily reproduced by the collider experiments at higher energies,where one might have expected the production rates to be much higher due to the orders of magnitude increase in the center of mass energy with LHCb.
performed under the auspices of the U.S.Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory(Grant No.DE-AC52-07NA27344)
supported by the U.S.Department of Energy,Office of Science,Office of Nuclear Physics(Nuclear Theory)(Grant No.DE-SC-0004014)
The research of S.J.B.was supported by the Department of Energy contract(Grant Nos.DE-AC02-76SF00515,and OSTI ID:1576972)