
信任缺失、认识误区与应对中美经贸摩擦升级的立场和举措 被引量:5

Mutual Distrust and Misunderstanding and Positions to Deal with the Escalation of Sino-US Economic and Trade Frictions
摘要 中美元首大阪会晤后特朗普再度出尔反尔,破坏了中美经贸共生共赢的关系。美中加征关税、反制关税的摩擦对抗加剧了风险失控。美中不平衡贸易量和产品结构决定着中美处于非对称摩擦地位,中方反制关税易陷入特朗普的螺旋式加征关税的陷阱。美中加征关税、反制关税未必一定是杀伤对方的,存在着四种不同的情境。中方应以促使美方重回经贸磋商谈判为要义,警惕零和思维破坏中美共生共赢的经贸关系。应对中美经贸摩擦升级的立场是:推动全面对外开放新格局,以磋商合作而非对抗姿态化解经贸摩擦,发展中国经济、平稳好就业。举措是:打破被动应对摩擦的做法,对标世行营商环境标准,提升自贸试验区制度创新动力;借力连续的进博会,打造出国际一流的营商环境,促进中国制造对接全球生产,提升中国经济汇聚力,以避免与全球价值链脱钩。 Trump’s reversal after the Sino-US Head of summit meeting in Osaka undermined the win-win relationship between China and the United States in economic and trade symbiosis. The frictional confrontation between the US and China in imposing tariffs and countervailing tariffs aggravates the risk out of control. Instead of alleviating the frictional tension between the US and China, China’s path-dependent counteracting tariffs have intensified the escalation of confrontation. The imbalanced trade volume and product structure between the US and China determine that China and the US are in an asymmetric frictional status. China’s countervailing tariffs have fallen into the trap of Trump’s spiral tariff imposition. There are four different situations in which tariffs imposed by both the US and China may not necessarily hurt another. China need take the promotion of the return of the US to economic and trade consultations as its main point and oppose the use of zero-sum thinking to undermine the win-win economic and trade relations between China and the US. The standpoint to deal with the escalation of Sino-US economic and trade frictions is to promote a new pattern of comprehensive opening-up, to resolve economic and trade frictions through consultation and cooperation rather than confrontation, and to develop China’s economy and smooth employment. The measures are as follows: breaking the passive way of dealing with frictions, improving the standard of business environment, promoting the motive force of institutional innovation of the free trade pilot zone, building a world-class business environment through continuous import expositions, promoting the docking of Chinese manufactures with global production, enhancing the cohesion of China’s economy, and maintaining a good linkage with the global value chain.
作者 沈国兵 SHEN Guo-bing(Institute of World Economy,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《上海对外经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期5-12,共8页 Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(项目编号:17JJD790002) 国家社会科学基金重点项目(项目编号:15AZD058) 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:71573171)的资助
关键词 大阪会晤 加征关税 反制关税 非对称 中美经贸摩擦 Osaka summit meeting imposing tariffs counteracting tariffs asymmetry escalation of Sino-US economic and trade frictions
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