
宫宁颗粒联合宫腔镜治疗围绝经期异常子宫出血临床研究 被引量:12

Clinical Study on Gongning Granules Combined with Hysteroscope for Perimenopausal Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
摘要 目的:观察宫宁颗粒联合宫腔镜子宫内膜电切术治疗围绝经期异常子宫出血(AUB)的效果。方法:选取170例围绝经期AUB患者,按照随机数字表法为对照组和观察组各85例。2组均行宫腔镜子宫内膜电切术,观察组术后加予宫宁颗粒治疗,连续治疗4周。比较2组疗效、复发情况、血清血红蛋白(Hb)、雌二醇(E2)、卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)水平及术后并发症发生情况。结果:治疗后,对照组E2、FSH、LH水平较治疗前无明显差异(P>0.05),观察组Hb、E2水平升高,FSH、LH水平降低,与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组并发症发生率为3.53%,低于对照组的12.94%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。随访6个月,观察组治愈率为98.82%,高于对照组的91.76%,观察组复发率为1.18%,低于对照组的8.24%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:宫腔镜子宫内膜电切术联合宫宁颗粒治疗围绝经期AUB,疗效显著,复发率低,能够改善患者卵巢功能,减少术后并发症,值得临床推广应用。 Objective:To observe the clinical effect of Gongning granules combined with transcervical resection of endometrium through hysteroscope for perimenopausal abnormal uterine bleeding(AUB).Methods:A total of 170 cases of perimenopausal AUB patients were divided into the control group and the observation group according to the random number table method,85 cases in each group.Both groups were treated with transcervical resection of endometrium through hysteroscope,and the observation group was additionally treated with Gongning granules.The treatment lasted for four weeks.The therapeutic effect,recurrence,serum hemoglobin(Hb),estradiol(E2),follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH),luteinizing hormone(LH)and postoperative complications in the two groups were compared.Results:After treatment,there was no significant difference in the comparison of the levels of E2,FSH and LH in the control group before and after treatment(P>0.05).Compared with those in the control group,the levels of Hb and E2 in the observation group were increased and the levels of FSH and LH were decreased,the difference being significant(P<0.05).The incidence of complications in the observation group was 3.53%,lower than that in the control group(12.94%),the difference being significant(P<0.05).After six-month follow-up,the cure rate in the observation group was 98.82%,higher than that in the control group(91.76%);the recurrence rate in the observation group was 1.18%,lower than that in the control group(8.24%);the difference was significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:The therapy of transcervical resection of endometrium through hysteroscope combined with Gongning granules has significant effect in treating perimenopausal AUB with low recurrence rate,which can improve the ovarian function of patients and reduce postoperative complications,and is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
作者 朱群飞 洪兰兰 ZHU Qunfei;HONG Lanlan
出处 《新中医》 CAS 2020年第2期95-97,共3页 New Chinese Medicine
关键词 围绝经期 异常子宫出血 宫宁颗粒 宫腔镜 子宫内膜电切术 Perimenopausal stage Abnormal uterine bleeding Gongning granules Hysteroscope Transcervical resection of endometrium
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