
“逆全球化”下建设国际金融新体制的中国方案——基于“一带一路”研究视角 被引量:10

China’s Proposals for New International Financial System in the Context of Anti-Globalization——From the Perspective of the Belt and Road Initiative
摘要 全球金融危机后,国际经济治理体系呈现"逆全球化"抬头新趋势,国际金融治理结构、国际金融监管体系和国际信用机制已无法满足中国"一带一路"倡议投融资需要。中国可主导构建"一带一路"国际金融新体制,引领区域金融治理,参与全球金融治理。具体而言,中国需要秉承促进金融合作、提高国际地位、推动全球金融治理改革的目标和"开放包容、兼收并蓄、公平公正、合作共赢"的基本原则,从国际金融组织、国际货币体系和国际金融监管体制三个方面落实建设"一带一路"国际金融新体制,为携手应对国际金融风险,推动新型全球化发展,实现世界经济持续增长贡献中国智慧,提出中国方案。 After the global financial crisis,the trend of"Anti-globalization"has emerged into the international economic governance system,and the drawbacks of existing international financial system,international financial regulatory system and international credit mechanism have become increasingly prominent,which have been unable to meet the investment and financing needs of China’s"Belt and Road(B&R)"construction.In this regard,China can lead the establishment of a new"B&R"international financial system and participate in global financial governance by guiding regional financial governance.Infact,China is still facing many problems in constructing the new international financial system.First,the mechanisms in"B&R"countries to take precautions against financial risks is laggard.Second,there is no"B&R"institutional financial cooperation platform existing to regulate related financial operations.Third,the"B&R"diversified investment and financing system is not yet complete.China needs to adhere to the goals of promoting financial cooperation,improving international status and promoting global financial governance reform,follow the basic principles of"openness,inclusiveness,eclecticism,fairness,justice and win-win cooperation",and implement the new"B&R"international financial system from the following three aspects.In terms of international financial organizations,efforts should be made to establish the"B&R"international financial cooperation organization to promote cooperation in financial filed among the"B&R"countries.Regarding the international monetary system,it’s important to construct the"B&R"RMB settlement system to reduce transaction costs and improve trade efficiency.At the same time,creating a diversified investment and financing system to form a"Belt and Road"benefit community is also a significant task.As for international financial supervision,building a technology-neutral international credit consensus system,and improving the financial supervision and risk prevention systems hold the key to success.In order to jointly tackle international financial risks,promote the development of a new type of globalization,and achieve sustained growth of the world economy,China should contribute Chinese wisdom and propose China’s proposals.
作者 郭周明 田云华 王凌峰 Guo Zhouming;Tian Yunhua;Wang Lingfeng(China Commerce and Trade Press;China Center for International Economic Exchanges;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,School of Economics and Trade)
出处 《国际金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期44-53,共10页 Studies of International Finance
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“培育我国国际竞争新优势建设贸易强国的战略路径研究”(16JZD018) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划青年基金项目“新一代非关税措施的保护效应测度和影响机理研究”(17YJC790142) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“中国进口非关税影响制造业企业生产率的理论机制与实证效应研究”(71903041) 2015年广东省软科学重点项目“广东建设海上丝绸之路科技合作圈的战略及重点领域研究”(2015A070703019) 2016广东省软科学项目“经济新常态下促进广东金融业与科技产业深度融合的体制机制研究”(2016A070705058) 广东省普通高校人文社会科学研究特色创新项目“中国进口非关税措施的保护效应量化测度研究”(2017WTSCX025)资助
关键词 逆全球化 国际金融新体制 国际金融治理 “一带一路”倡议 中国方案 Anti-Globalization New International Financial System International Financial Governance The Belt and Road Initiative China’s Proposals
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