在数据化的网络时代,用户需求与图书馆服务形式向深度专业的知识化和智慧化发展。面对这种新常态,第三代图书馆服务平台的元数据管理不仅需要解决图书馆集成管理系统甚或是"下一代"图书馆服务平台受困于MARC的现状,满足资源的统一管理与业务整合,更需要考虑统一的数据建模与编码方式,实现跨类型的数据流通和知识的组织与融合。这就为元数据管理提出了新的需求,包括:完整的生命周期管理,资源类型兼容,标准规范兼容,互联网环境下的书目与规范控制,知识组织与融合。这种运用平台化思维、改变图书馆运行生态的可能性可以在FOLIO项目中看到希望。FOLIO作为以微服务架构设计的图书馆服务平台,在设计之初就定义了一个核心的微服务域--Codex。一方面,Codex作为数据注册中心和数据链接中介位于FOLIO架构的顶层,通过Codex消除不同域中数据的编码、格式和存储位置的差异,以减少域之间的交互与耦合。另一方面,Codex以BIBFRAME 2模型为基础设计了"作品-实例-单件/馆藏"的抽象数据模型,并参考DC元素设计了一套最小核心元数据元素集。Codex记录不描述资源的详细信息,只起到揭示与定位的作用。专有的业务信息或更详细的记录信息都可以通过Codex链接到相应的记录层获取。Codex作为核心的元数据管理域,将被设计成为FOLIO平台的资源链接中心、规范数据中心、跨域的全媒体资源管理入口,并通过模型中的抽象实体揭示资源间的关系。虽然现阶段仅实现了不存储自身数据的Codex Search,对关联数据的支持也不够完善,但无论是其抽象的数据模型,还是最小化的元数据方案,以及"统一记录-业务记录-正式记录"的分层描述原则,Codex都有足够的灵活性支持面向实体对象的描述与组织。
In the era of digitalized network,user needs and the forms of library services have developed towards the direction of specialized knowledge and smartness.Facing this new norm,the metadata management of the third generation library service platform not only needs to solve the present situation of the library integrated management system or even the next generation library service platform beset by MARC to meet the requirements of integrated resource management and business integration but also considers a unified method of data modeling and coding to achieve cross-typed data stream and knowledge organization and fusion.This poses new requirements for metadata management,including:complete life circle management,compatibility of resource types and standard specification,bibliographic control and authority control,and knowledge organization and fusion.The possibility of using platform thinking to change the ecology of library operation shows promise in the FOLIO project.As a library service platform based on micro service architecture,FOLIO at the start of its design has defined a core micro domain-Codex.On the one hand,as the data registry center and data intermediary,Codex is positioned at the top of the FOLIO architecture and can remove differences in encoding and format in different domains and span storage location to reduce the data exchange and system coupling between different domains.On the other hand,based on the BIBFRAME 2 model,Codex designs an abstract data model"Work-Instance-Item"and a set of minimum core metadata elements by drawing from the DC elements.Codex does not describe the detailed information of resources and only play a navigate and positioning role.Exclusive business information or more detailed records can be assessed by getting to the recording level through Codex.As the core metadata management domain,Codex will be designed as the FOLIO platform’s resource link center,authority data center and entry point for resource management,and establish relationships between resources through the abstract entities in the model.Although currently only the Codex Search,which does not store its own data,is realized and the support for linked data still needs to be improved,Codex is flexible enough to support the descriptions and organization of entities,whether it is the abstract data model,or the minimized metadata proposal,or the hierarchical description principle of formal records-working records-unifying records.
XU Lei;XIA Cuijuan
Journal of Library Science in China