
基于女性主义地理学视角的家庭暴力研究进展——超越公私二分法 被引量:2

Beyond the public/private dichotomy:The study of domestic violence in feminist geography
摘要 人文地理学者通过家透视生活空间中的社会现象,西方人文地理学文化转向与女性主义研究兴起后,家庭暴力成为学者们关注的对象。在女性主义社会批判特征和地理学空间视角的双重影响下,女性主义地理学家着眼女性的空间经历及情感体验,聚焦女性在家庭中的暴力问题。论文首先介绍"家庭暴力"的概念和公私二分法,指出其中的空间隐蔽性,据此引入女性主义地理学的研究路径,通过分析家庭空间的意义建构,以及容忍家庭暴力存在的更广泛的地理环境,超越空间的公私二分法探讨家庭暴力。基于对国外相关研究的梳理,归纳出家庭、社区/邻里、国家和全球3种尺度分析家庭暴力的地理研究。通过物质、功能、象征维度的家庭空间性分析揭示性别权力在空间上对女性的控制和压迫;运用物质决定论逻辑和社会-文化逻辑2种视角解读家庭暴力存续的社区环境特征及其内在对女性的政策和制度排斥;分析家庭暴力与恐怖主义、军事战争的联系,将家庭暴力议题推向政治地理领域。 Human geographers gain insights into social phenomena through home. Domestic violence has become a research object along with the cultural turn in Western human geography and the rise of feminist studies. Under the dual influence of feminist social criticism and the spatial perspective of geography, feminist geographers focus on women’s spatial and emotional experiences, unfolding the violence against women in the home. Starting with the introduction of the concept of "domestic violence" and the public/private dichotomy, this article points out the spatial concealment of domestic violence and introduces the research path of domestic violence issue in feminist geography, that is, to discuss domestic violence beyond the public/private dichotomy of space by examining the meaning construction of home as private space and the broader geographical environment for tolerating the existence of domestic violence. Based on the review of related international research, this article summarizes feminist geographic research of domestic violence on three scales: home,community/neighborhood, and global and national. Following the scale logic, this article concludes the findings of academic significance and provides insights on the trend of future geographic research of domestic violence issue. The implicit assumptions of home within analyses of domestic violence require further examination. The analysis of home in material, functional, and symbolic dimensions reveals the spatial control and oppression on women. The two perspectives of material determinism logic and sociocultural logic provide insights into the characteristics of community environment in which domestic violence persists and their inherent policy and institutional exclusion to women. The research on the connections between domestic violence and terrorism and warfare reflects that violence on the micro scale intertwined with larger(geopolitical) processes, which can remap the debate about safety in political geography.
作者 肖鸿元 汪明峰 XIAO Hongyuan;WANG Mingfeng(The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China;School of Urban and Regional Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《地理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期143-152,共10页 Progress in Geography
关键词 家庭暴力 公私二分法 女性主义 尺度 domestic violence public/private dichotomy feminism scale
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