
浅水浮式平台多点系泊系统适用性研究 被引量:2

Research on the applicability of multi-points mooring system for floating platform in shallow waters
摘要 为研究浅水海域船型浮式平台多点系泊系统的适用性,以某船型浮式平台为例,设计了2套多点系泊系统。利用AQWA水动力软件,基于三维势流理论,计入风、浪、流的联合作用,分别对悬链式和张紧式多点系泊系统进行时域耦合分析,得到了浮体的六自由度运动和各系泊缆的张力。计算结果表明,张紧式系泊系统浮体平动位移小,横摇幅值较大,各系泊缆张力较大,系泊缆张力不满足规范要求;悬链式多点系泊系统浮体平动位移相对较大,各系泊缆张力较小,浮体的水平偏移和系泊缆张力都满足规范要求。悬链式系泊系统性能较优,不过水平位移仍然需要重点关注。本文研究成果对浅水船型浮式平台多点系泊系统的设计有一定的参考价值。 To study the applicability of multi-points system for ship type floating platform in shallow waters, this paper designs two multi-points mooring systems for a ship type floating platform. The full time domain hydrodynamic analysis is carried out separately for catenary and taut mooring systems combining with the interaction of the wind, wave and current,which is based on three dimensional potential flow theory. In the process, the professional hydrodynamic software-AQWA is used. The time history responses of the 6-degree-freedom motion amplitudes and the mooring line tensions are obtained from the simulation. The results indicate that floating platform with taut mooring system has small translation displacments, but the amplitudes of Roll and mooring line tentions are very large and can not satisfy the code requirements. While the floating platform with catenary mooring system has relatively large translation displacement, but the mooring line tentions are small.Both the motion amplitudes and mooring line tentions satisfy the code requirements. The catenary mooring system possesses good performance but the motion amplitudes are also needed to be paied attention to. The results will provide some reference for designing the multi-points mooring system for ship type floating platform in shallow waters.
作者 余骁 雷慧 王允 YU Xiao;LEI Hui;WANG Yun(Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute,Wuhan 430064,China)
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2020年第1期105-110,共6页 Ship Science and Technology
基金 国家能源局资助项目(NY20150201)
关键词 浮式平台 浅水 多点系泊 时域计算 floating platform shallow water multi-points time-domain simulation
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