
必须正确解读新中国70年经济发展之谜——庆祝新中国成立70周年 被引量:3

Correctly Interpret the Mystery of China′s 70 Years of Economic Development——Celebrate the 70 Anniversary of the Founding of People′s Republic of China
摘要 新中国70年经济发展成就巨大的原因,除了经济全球化机遇、发挥比较优势和后发优势、拥有大国优势、"有效市场"、"有为政府"、"改革红利"、"开放红利"、"人口红利"、"土地红利"、中国人勤劳好学重教育、华侨众多爱国等多种因素之外,根本原因是坚持和改进共产党领导、坚持和创新发展马克思主义、建立和完善社会主义制度。"中国改革开放以前之所以没有取得什么成就是因为实行公有制、计划经济、闭关锁国、僵化封闭的结果,改革开放以来中国之所以取得巨大成就是由于实行了经济私有化、市场化、自由化、开放化,近期之所以存在经济下行、经济结构不优、贫富差距较大、‘三农’问题突出、腐败现象严重等缺陷,则是因为经济私有化、市场化、自由化、开放化还不彻底"的观点,是不符合中国实际的、错误的。 Many factors have contributed to China’s significant achievement in economic development in the recent 70 years, such as the opportunities of economic globalization, the leverage of comparative advantage and the latecomer advantage, the advantage of a large country and large market, the diligent labor force, the asset of Chinese diaspora, as well as the combination of "an efficient market", "a developmental government", "the dividend of reform", "the dividend of opening-up", "the demographic dividend", and "the dividend of land". However, the more fundamental factors behind this success are upholding and improving the leadership of the Communist Party of China, upholding and innovating Marxism, as well as establishing and completing the socialist system. The view that the lack of economic progress before the reform and opening-up was due to the rigidity of public ownership, commanding economy, and the closed nature of the national economy;the achievements after the reform and opening-up can be attributed to economic privatization, marketization, liberalization, and opening-up;and the recent economic deceleration, structural problems, widening income gaps, "the challenges of agriculture,countryside and farmers", and the problem of corruption are because economic privatization, marketization, liberalization, and opening-u haven’t been thorough and complete, is not consistent with the realities in China and is incorrect.
作者 简新华 JIAN Xin-hua(Center for Economic Development Research,Wuhan University,Wuhan,Hubei 430072)
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期5-13,共9页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金2017年度重大项目“中国经济走势的马克思主义政治经济学研究”(项目批准号:17ZDA036)的中期研究成果
关键词 新中国 经济发展 中国经济发展之谜 中国经济发展的内在逻辑 New China Economic Development the Mystery of China’s Economic Development the Intrinsic Logic of China’s Economic Development
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