
床旁巡视卡联合SBAR沟通模式对急诊留观室护患纠纷发生率的影响 被引量:5

Influence of Bedside Inspection Card Combined with SBAR Communication Mode on the Incidence of Nurse-Patient Disputes in Emergency Observation Room
摘要 目的探讨床旁巡视卡联合SBAR沟通模式对急诊留观室护患纠纷发生率的影响。方法选取河南省人民医院120例急诊留观室患者,按照入院时间分为对照组和观察组,每组各60例。对照组实施传统交接班模式,观察组在对照组基础上实施床旁巡视卡联合SBAR沟通模式。对比两组护患纠纷发生率、护理满意度、护士对患者病情掌握度。结果观察组护患纠纷发生率3.33%(2/60)较对照组13.33%(8/60)低(P<0.05);观察组护士对患者病情掌握度评分较对照组高(P<0.05);观察组护理满意度为96.67%(58/60)较对照组的83.33%(50/60)高(P<0.05)。结论床旁巡视卡联合SBAR沟通模式应用于急诊留观室管理,能提高护士对患者病情掌握度,有利于降低护患纠纷发生率,提高患者护理满意度。 Objective To explore the influence of bedside inspection card combined with SBAR communication mode on the incidence of nurse-patient disputes in emergency observation room. Methods 120 patients in emergency observation room in the hospital were selected and they were divided into control group and observation group according to admission time. The control group implemented the traditional shift mode, while the observation group implemented the bedside inspection card combined with SBAR communication mode on the basis of the control group. The incidence of nurse-patient disputes,nursing satisfaction and nurses’ mastery of patients’ condition were compared between the two groups. Results The incidence of nurse-patient disputes in the observation group was 3.33%(2/60),which was lower than that in the control group 13.33%(8/60)(P<0.05);the score of nurses in the observation group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05);the nursing satisfaction rate in the observation group was 96.67%(58/60), which was higher than that in the control group 83.33%(50/60)(P<0.05). Conclusion The application of bedside inspection card combined with SBAR communication mode in the management of emergency observation room can improve nurses’ mastery of patients’ condition, reduce the incidence of nurse-patient disputes and improve patients’ nursing satisfaction.
作者 唐亚娟 TANG Ya-juan(Emergency Ward,Henan People’s Hospital/Zhengzhou University People’s Hospital/Clinical Medical College Henan University,Zhengzhou,450000,China)
出处 《黑龙江医学》 2020年第2期259-261,共3页 Heilongjiang Medical Journal
关键词 急诊留观室 传统交接班模式 床旁巡视卡 SBAR沟通模式 Emergency observation room Traditional shift mode Bedside inspection card SBAR communication mode
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