
替代计量指标覆盖率及相关性研究 被引量:2

Research on Coverage and Correlation of Altmetric Indicators
摘要 以中国科学院科研人员发表的被自然指数数据库索引的论文为例,应用分布分析、对比分析、相关分析等方法,描述论文分布特征,对比分析国内合作论文和国际合作论文的替代计量指标覆盖率差异,并对论文合著特征与替代计量指标进行相关分析。结果表明,替代计量指标对国际合作论文覆盖率更高,Mendeley阅读数和Twitter提及数比其他指标覆盖率更高。论文的合著特征与替代计量指标存在中度相关或弱相关。国际科研合作有助于提升论文的学术影响力和社会影响力,与论文的替代计量指标值相辅相成,对于深入研究合著论文特点,评估科研成果影响力,完善科研评价体系具有重要的意义。 We retrieved articles which are from Chinese Academy of Sciences and indexed by Nature Index as sampled articles.With the method of distribution analysis,comparative analysis and correlation analysis,we described the distribution characteristics of articles,compared the coverage differences of altmetric indicators for domestic articles and international articles,and analyses the correlation between the collaborative information and the altmetric indicators.The results show that coverage of altmetric indicators for international articles is greater than that for domestic articles.Mendeley and Twitter cover a higher percentage of collaborative articles than other sources studied.Collaborative information show moderate or low correlation with altmetric indicator counts.Strengthening international scientific cooperation helps to increase altmetric indicator counts of articles,as well as improve academic influence and social influence of articles.It is of great significance to study scientific cooperation articles and evaluate the influence of the articles,as well as help with the modification of scientific research evaluation system.
作者 褚金星 王晓光 吕涛 CHU JinXing;WANG XiaoGuang;LV Tao(Jiangsu Normal University Lianyungang Campus,Lianyungang 222000,China;School of Management,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China)
出处 《数字图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 2020年第2期59-66,共8页 Digital Library Forum
基金 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目“基于替代计量学的学术成果评价研究”(编号:2018SJA1716)资助
关键词 替代计量 自然指数 相关分析 Altmetric Nature Index Correlation Analysis
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