‘中葡萄12号’是以‘巨峰’为母本‘,京亚’为父本,杂交选育出的早熟葡萄新品种。果穗圆锥形,果穗中等大,平均单穗质量660 g,最大可达1 500 g,果粒着生中等紧密,果穗大小整齐。果粒椭圆形,紫黑色。果粒大,平均单粒质量8.7 g,最大单粒质量13.0 g,果皮较厚有韧性,果肉软,果汁绿黄色,汁液多,味道甜,有草莓香味,该品种可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为18.0%,可溶性总糖含量为14.5%,总酸含量为0.52%,糖酸比达到28∶1,单宁含量为1 180 mg·kg^-1,维生素C含量为4.42 mg·100 g^-1,氨基酸含量为5.54 g·kg^-1。郑州地区浆果7月上旬开始着色,7月底8月初完全成熟。从萌芽至浆果充分成熟约需110 d。
‘Zhongputao No.12’is a new early ripening table grapes variety with excellent appearance and quality. The seeding was derived from a cross between‘Kyoho’and‘Jingya’in 2005 at the vineyard in the Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS).Through artificial hybridization pollination, more than 1 000 hybrid seeds were got. The seedings were planted in vineyard in 2006. It was initially selected in 2008 for its very early ripening time. It’s about a month earlier ripening than‘Kyoho’. After three years of observation and five years regional adaptability testing at four sites(including Xinxiang city, Luoyang city, Jiaozuo city, Shangqiu city, Henan province), it was finally selected in 2018.‘Zhongputao No.12’belongs to Vitis vinifera, the vigor of plant is strong, young branches are light reddish brown. The cross section of mature branches is nearly round,the surface is smooth and reddish-brown. The upper surface of the young leaf is red-purple, the lower surface has medium-density creeping white fluff, and the lower surface of the young leaf is pink, and the purple-red color on the growing young leaf gradually disappears, and finally becomes green. The shape of mature leaf is nearly circular, the leaf is 3 or 5 cracks, the upper crack depth is deep and open,the shape of the base part is U-shaped;the lower crack is shallow and open, the shape of the base part is V-shaped. The saw-tooth shape is straight and medium-sharp. The petioles base is U-shaped and open.Petiole color is green with medium length. The grape tendrils dis-tribution are not continuous and medium length. The fruit cluster is conical shape. The average cluster weight is 660 g and the biggest one reaches 1 500 g. The berry is purple black color when fully ripe, the shape of berry is ellipse, the average berry weight is 8.7 g and the biggest one reaches 13.0 g. The berries have thick pericarp;The flesh is soft and sweet with strawberry scent. The contents of soluble solids, total soluble sugar, total acid, tannin, vitamin C, amino acid was 18.0%, 14.5%, 0.52%, 1 180 mg·kg^-1, 4.421 mg·100 g^-1, 5.54 g·kg^-1, respectively. And the sugar-acid ratio reached 28:1. The time from bud breaking to harvest is about 110 d,its time of bud-burst at the ending of March, and flowering at the beginning of May, fully mature date at late-July in Zhengzhou area. The grape has strong pathogen resistance. It is resistant to anthracnose,gray mold, black acne, but attention to the occurrence of downy mildew in rainy season and the harm of thrips at flowering stage. The grape variety has long storage and high adaptability. This variety can bear fruits next year after planted and the yield is about 7.5 tons per hectare, three years later, it can reach 22.5 tons. Orchard should choose neutral sandy soil which is flat and has ability of moisture and fertilizer retention;spacing in the rows and spacing between rows are 1 m×3 m or 1.5 m×3 m. This grape variety is suitable for short branch pruning. Balanced application of both organic and chemical fertilizers based on the plant every germination and development stage.
ZHANG Peng;LIU Sanjun;HE Liangliang;SONG Yinhua(Zhengzhou Fruits Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Zhengzhou 450009,Henan,China)
Journal of Fruit Science