In the post-Brexit era,major changes are expected to take place in the UK and influence its relations with both Europe and the United States,which should be the main factor that will affect its China policy in the future.For the UK,the change of its international status will lead to changes of its mentality and concept of China,and lead to more contradictions in its China policy.The United States will play a more prominent role in shaping the UK’s China policy and China-UK relationship.The EU,with a focus on the UK’s China policy,particularly its economic and trade policy toward China,on which it tries to exert influence,will gradually be more and more prominent in the China-UK relationship and become an important factor influencing the UK’s relationship with China.However,the UK will mainly deal with China based on evaluation of its own interests.After the Brexit,the UK’s global interests and global vision will not undergo fundamental changes,nor will China’s attractiveness to the UK and the importance the UK has attached to China.Those are the constant factors in the UK’s China policy,which explain why the China-UK relationship can remain stable in the future.Fundamentally,the UK’s China policy relies on attitudes of both countries and hinges on their mutual interests in their relations.It is expected that pragmatic cooperation between the two countries will still be the main course in the future,despite the expected greater fluctuation and instability of the UK’s China policy.Although the China-UK relationship will face new uncertainties and risks in the post-Brexit era,it will also see new opportunities of cooperation.
International Economic Review