As a Canadian writer,Lucy Maud Montgomery is well-known around the globe.Since its publication in 1908,her masterpiece Anne of Green Gables has been globally renowned.This paper attempts to explore the imitation and subversion of Cinderella fairy tale in Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables.There is intextuality between Anne of Green Gables and Cinderella,and the new text's creation based on the old one.The new text bears obvious parallel relation to the fairy tale in its plot structure;yet it breaks down the fairy tale stereotype of the heroine who resigns herself to adversity and accepts fate passively,which reflects the theme of the survival of the Canadian immigrant country and the cultural spirit of harmonious coexistence.During the creative process of the superficial imitation and deep subversion,Montgomery leads a rich implications and striking artistic effects so as to try to reinterpret and appreciate the famous classic work.
ZHENG Yun(School of Foreign Languages,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China)
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology:Social Science Edition