
英汉同声传译听说滞差的实验研究 被引量:10

An Experimental Study of EVS in English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpreting
摘要 本研究采用实验研究的方法,考察职业译员英汉方向同传中的听说滞差(EVS)长度,以及源语语速变化对EVS长度的影响及可能原因。研究结果显示,英汉方向同传的平均EVS在3.5秒,基本符合"以英语为源语的效果较好的同传,EVS平均长度一般在3秒左右"的假设。此外,源语语速的变化对译员EVS的长短变化没有产生明显的规律性的影响,译员EVS使用策略可能更多地取决于译员个人的同传策略和表达习惯。 Based on an empirical method, this study is aimed at investigating the EVS of English-Chinese simultaneous interpreting and whether the adjustment of source speed will have significant impact on the length of EVS. The result shows that the average EVS is about 3.5 seconds, which basically matches the presupposition that the average EVS of a successful SI is usually 3 seconds if the source language of SI is English. In addition, the adjustment of source language speed does not show any significant influence on the EVS length. The strategy of adopting different EVS might be a result of personal SI strategy and habit of language use.
作者 张发勇 柴明颎 ZHANG Fayong;CHAI Mingjiong
出处 《外语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期67-75,112,共10页 Foreign Languages Research
基金 2017年度江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目“基于‘NMT+PE’的科技英语翻译项目式教学模式探索研究”(编号:2017SJA041)的阶段性成果。
关键词 同声传译 听说滞差 源语语速 实验研究 simultaneous interpretation ear-voice span source language speed experimental study
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