
从对历史数据的量化分析看中美两国研发支出的社会经济效益 被引量:1

The Social and Economic Benefits of R&D Expenditure in China and in the United States From the Quantitative Analysis of Historical Data
摘要 量化分析研发经费投入与产出的社会经济效益越来越重要。本文以中国和美国历史数据为研究对象,选取专利申请量(居民)、科技期刊论文数、高技术出口三个指标为代表,衡量研发活动对社会经济影响的输出;选取年度研发经费支出及其来源构成等相关参数作为输入,通过数据分析得出以下结论:一是研发活动直接与以专利、论文、高技术出口为代表的社会经济发展产出线性正相关;二是专利申请量(居民)与五年前的研发支出、科技期刊论文数与四年前的基础研究支出、高技术出口与六年前的研发支出呈强线性相关。在此基础上,本文提出以更长远眼光前瞻部署科技规划、重视基础研究经费投入比例的建议。 It becomes more and more important to quantitativelyanalyzethe performance of rapidly increasing R&D expenditure both in China and in USA.This article chose patent applications(residents),scientific and technical journal articles and high-technology exports as three output parameters to measure the social and economic benefits of R&D expenditure.At the same time,it chose R&D expenditure and several other relative parameters as inputs to measure a country’s R&D investment.This article drew following conclusions after analyzing historical data from 1953 to 2016.First,there was a causal relationship between the inputs and the outputs,which meant R&D expenditure had direct social and economic benefits.Second,R&D expenditure 5 years ago had a strong linear relationship with patent applications(residents),basic research expenditure 4 years ago had a strong linear relationship with scientific and technical journal articles,R&D expenditure 6 years ago had a strong linear relationship with high-technology exports,which meant R&D expenditure(including basic research expenditure)took a long time to make the most benefits.In the end,this article offered two suggestions for policy makers.First,it is necessary for policy makers to have a long-term view and have determinations to invest R&D in advance and have patience to wait them make the most impact after 4 to 6 years.Second,it is necessary for policy makers to pay attention not only on the amount of R&D expenditure but also on its structure and allocate more resources on basic research expenditure.
作者 刘艳 LIU Yan(Department of High and New Technology,Ministry of Science and Technology of China,Beijing 100862)
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2019年第8期12-22,33,共12页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 研发支出 高技术出口 专利申请 科技期刊论文 R&D expenditure high-technology exports patent applications S&T journal articles
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