
2016~2018年湖南省新诊断职业病病例调查分析 被引量:8

Analysis of Newly Diagnosed Occupational Disease Cases in Hunan Province during 2016~2018
摘要 【目的】分析2016~2018年湖南省新诊断职业病病例的具体情况,为职业病防控工作重点提出建议。【方法】从国家职业病与职业卫生信息监测系统中获取湖南省2016~2018年新诊断并上报的职业病报告数据,分析不同职业病种类分布情况,不同经济类型、企业规模、行政州市职业病发生情况。【结果】2016~2018年新增职业病以煤工尘肺(4014例,59.16%)为主,其次是矽肺(1392例,20.52%)和坤及其化合物中毒(1029例,15.17%)。采用Kruskal-walis检验,结果显示煤工尘肺、矽肺和其他尘肺患者的接尘工龄存在差异,矽肺的接尘工龄中位数要小于煤工尘肺及其他种类的尘肺,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。2016~2018年新增职业病病例以国有企业为主(5045例,74.35%),其次是私营企业(1549例,22.83%)及其他企业(191例,2.82%)。2016~2018年新增职业病患者以小型企业为主(3634例,53.56%),其次是中型企业(2475例,36.48%)。各个行政州市上来看,娄底最多(1777例,26.20%),其次是常德(889例,13.10%)和岳阳(776例,11.44%)。【结论】湖南省2016~2018年间,新诊断职业病以煤工尘肺、矽肺和坤及其化合物中毒为主,所有病例中来自国有企业的占主要部分,中小企业职工为病患主体,娄底、常德和岳阳新诊断并上报的病例较多。相关部门既要鼓励各企业积极开展职业卫生防护和职业健康检查工作,并为患病职工提供职业病诊断条件,又要督促并监管企业做好职业危害因素防护工作。 【Objeetive】To analyze the specific situation of newly diagnosed occupational disease cases in Hunan Province in recent years in order to make recommendations for the focus of occupational disease prevention and control.【Methods】Obtain newly diagnosed and reported occupational disease report data of Hunan Province from 2016 to 2018 from the National Occupational Disease and Occupational Health Inform ation Monitoring System.Statistical analysis softw are SPSS21 was used to analyze the distribution of different occupational disease types,different economic types,enterprise sizes,and occupational disease occurrence in the adm inistrative city.【Results】A total of 6785 cases of various occupational diseases were newly diagnosed in Hunan Province from 2016 to 2018,of which 5490 cases were pneumoconiosis(80.91%).The new occupational diseases from 2016 to 2018 were mainly coal workers pneumoconiosis(4014 cases,59.16%),followed by 1392 silicosis cases(20.52%)and arsenic and its compound poisoning(1029 cases,15.17%).Using the Kruskal-walis test,the results show that there were differences in terms of the working age for coal workers' pneum oconiosis,silicosis and other pneumoconiosis patients.The m edian working age of silicosis is less than that of coal workers,pneumoconiosis and other types of pneumoconiosis(P<0.01).T here are 5045 cases of state-ow ned The new cases of occupational diseases from 2016 to 2018 were mainly state-ow ned enterprises(5045 cases,74.35%),followed by private enterprises(1549 cases,22.83%)and other enterprises(191 cases,2.82%).From the perspective of enterprise scale,382 cases(5.63%)were from large enterprises,2475 cases(36.48%)from medium-sized enterprises,3634 cases(53.56%)from small en terp rises,35 cases of micro-enterprises(0.52%)and 259 cases with unknown scale enterprises(3.82%).From the perspective of adm inistrative city,Loudi had the largest num ber(1777 cases,26.20%),followed by Changde(889 cases,13.10%)and Yueyang(776 cases,11.44%).【Conclusion】From 2016 to 2018 in Hunan Province,newly diagnosed occupational diseases are mainly caused by coal workers'pneum oconiosis,silicosis,arsenic and arsenic compounds poisoning.All cases come from state-owned enterprises.The main patients are workers from small medium enterprises.Loudi,Changde and Yueyang have more newly diagnosed and reported cases.Relevant departm ents should not only encourage enterprises to actively carry out occupational health protection and occupational health inspections,and provide conditions for the diagnosis of occupational diseases for sick employees,but also urge and supervise enterprises to do a good job of protecting occupational hazards.
作者 闾丘思嘉 曹真伟 杨乐华 许志勇 王多多 何卫红 刘晓丽 LV Qiu Si-jia;CAO Zhen-wei;YANG Le-hua(Hunan Prevention and Treatment Institute for Occupational Diseases,Hunan Province,Changsha 410007)
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2020年第2期265-267,共3页 Journal of Clinical Research
关键词 职业病 湖南 Occupational Disease Hunan
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