
一例高致病性猪蓝耳病、猪流行性腹泻混合感染的诊断 被引量:6

Diagnosis of a case of HP-PRRSV coinfection with PEDV
摘要 2018年11月,湖南郴州某规模化猪场发生2~3日龄仔猪呕吐、腹泻为主的疫情,发病率70%,死亡率80%,为确定引起仔猪腹泻的原因,从发病猪群中采集2头病死猪的小肠、肺脏、淋巴结等组织进行PCR检测及基因测序分析。检测结果显示猪流行性腹泻和猪蓝耳病均为阳性,猪传染性胃肠炎、猪轮状病毒均为阴性。测序分析显示所检测到的猪蓝耳病病毒与JXA1毒株高度同源,为高致病性毒株,检测到的猪流行性腹泻病毒为变异毒株,隶属于GⅡ-b群。综合分析,引起此次新生仔猪大批死亡系变异猪流行性腹泻病毒混合感染高致病性猪蓝耳病所致。 In November 2018,a disease,which caused vomiting and diarrhea in piglets of 2~3 days old,with a 70%morbidity and 80%mortality,was outbreak in a farm in Chenzhou,Hunan province.To confirm the cause of diarrhea in piglets,tissues such as small intestine,lung and lymph nodes were collected from the affected pigs for PCR and genomic sequence analysis.The results showed that PEDV and PRRSV were positive,while TGEV and RV were negative.Sequencing analysis indicated that the PRRSV was highly homologous with JXA1 strains,which was a highly pathogenic PRRSV(HP-PRRSV),while PEDV was a variant belonging to GⅡ-b Group.From the result,we know the cause of many newborn piglets died was the infection of HP-PRRSV and variant PEDV.
作者 何德肆 李海辉 颜爱 彭兰丽 曾焕 Desi He;Haihui Li;Ai Yan;Lanli Peng;Huan Zeng(Hunan Biological and Electromechanical Polytechnic,Changsha,Hunan 410128,China;Hunan pig guard technology service co.Ltd.,Changsha,Hunan 410128,China)
出处 《猪业科学》 2020年第2期72-74,共3页 Swine Industry Science
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