
老年教育基本理论问题研究——基于谁要学、为何学和学什么的思考 被引量:14

Basic Theoretical Issues of Education of the Elderly
摘要 老年教育基本理论问题研究至少包括三个主要议题:一是老化与老年研究,探讨何为老化与老年,帮助我们理解谁是老年人,并解答老年教育应以谁为对象即"谁要学"的困惑;老化与老年研究是生物医学、心理学和社会学的跨学科范式,其越复杂多元,老化与老年的内涵也越丰富,意味着老年教育的对象也被扩大,对老年教育的挑战也更大。二是老年学习的意义研究,探讨学习对老化和老年人的益处,解答老年教育目的何在即"为何学"的疑惑;包括认知主义、行为主义、人文主义、社会或情景主义和批判主义五种范式。三是老年教育需求研究,探讨老年教育内容即"学什么"的问题,包括将老年人的需求分类、侧重老年阶段发展任务、重视老年参与的动机取向和学习项目的功能性分析四种范式。 The basic theoretical issues of education of the elderly include at least three topics. First is the research on aging and old age, discussing who is the elderly, whom the education of the elderly is for, that is, "who wants to learn." Aging and old age research is an interdisciplinary paradigm of biomedicine, psychology and sociology. The more complex and diverse it is, the richer the connotation of aging and old age is, which means that the objects of education for elderly are also expanded and the challenges to it are greater. The second is the study of the significance of learning at an old age, discussing the benefits of learning and the purpose of the education of the aged, i.e. why to learn. It is done in five paradigms, namely, cognitive, behaviorist, humanistic, social or situational and critical paradigms. The third is the research on the educational needs of the elderly, which discusses the content of the education of the elderly, namely "what to learn," including four paradigms: categorizing the needs of the elderly;focusing on the tasks of development at an old age;emphasizing the motivation and orientation of elderly participation;and functional analysis of learning items.
作者 李洁 LI Jie(Research Institute,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201620,China)
出处 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2020年第2期102-110,共9页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)
基金 全国教育科学规划项目“中国老年人‘精神性’的教育建构研究”(BKA170234)
关键词 老年教育 基本理论 老化与老年 老年学习 老年教育需求 education of the elderly basic theoretical issues aging and old age learn at an old age educational needs of the elderly
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