McLuhan once said that the development of electronic communication technology would lead the whole human society into the era of"re-tribalization".With the evolution of the media,people gradually live in a more complex and diverse media ecology.This new electronic ecology is a tribal ecology,which divides the human organizational structure into a tribal unit.The rise of social media and the redefinition of its supporting technology on human life have accelerated the emergence and maintenance of tribal communities.This media culture,which breaks the limits of time and space,weakens the limitation of geo-social identity and becomes the backbone of building a new community of cultural values.But it is the technical characteristics of the media itself that make people s vision narrow and the division of the global society more obvious and intense.This phenomenon caused by tribal communication is actually a kind of alienation and misreading of McLuhan s"re-tribalization".
XU Guanqun;WANG Hanwei(School of Journalism and Communication,Shandong University,Jinan,Shandong 250100,China;China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao,Shandong 266580,China)
Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Social Sciences)