
创业伦理:问题、审视与对策 被引量:1

Ethics of Entrepreneurship: Problems, Examination and Countermeasures
摘要 采用定性研究方法,首先探讨创业伦理的内涵,继而分析创业活动引发的特殊伦理问题主要表现在创业公司利益相关者、新进入缺陷、破坏性创新、科技创新4个方面,其背后复杂因素来自创业者个人、组织内部和社会环境等等,进而从创业企业的"经济人"和"道德人"两者之间的关系讨论企业遵守创业伦理的重要性和必要性,最后从不同层面探讨针对创业伦理问题的解决建议与对策。 This paper adopts the qualitative research method, firstly discusses the connotation of entrepreneurial ethics, then analyzes the special ethical problems caused by entrepreneurial activities mainly in four aspects of entrepreneurial company stakeholders, new entry defects, destructive innovation, scientific and technological innovation,the complex factors behind it come from the entrepreneur’s personal, organizational and social environment. Then the paper discusses the solutions to the ethical problems of entrepreneurship from different levels, the importance and necessity of the enterprise to abide by the ethics of entrepreneurship from the relationship between "economic man" and "moral man ", and finally discusses the solutions and countermeasures to the ethical problems of entrepreneurship from different levels.
作者 陈子薇 Chen Ziwei(Institute of Science Studies and S&T Management,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116033,China)
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期263-267,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“高技术企业衍生创业中创业伦理对利益相关者管理能力的影响研究”(15BGL023)。
关键词 创业企业 伦理问题 伦理道德 startup companies ethical issues morals
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