
战略执行流程对企业绩效作用机制研究 被引量:1

The Research on the Effect Mechanism of Strategic Execution Process on Enterprise Performance
摘要 通过文献对战略执行流程、中层经理战略承诺及企业绩效三个构念两两间关系的实证研究结果表明,战略执行流程对企业绩效和中层经理战略承诺具有正向影响,中层经理战略承诺对企业绩效有正向影响,但尚未厘清三者之间的具体关系。中层经理历来被视为企业执行的中流砥柱,但其具体发挥作用的方式和机理并未出现明晰的研究成果。基于上述问题,本文对中层经理战略承诺在战略执行流程和企业绩效两构念之间扮演中介变量的核心提出研究假设,构建了中层经理战略承诺中介作用下的战略执行流程对企业绩效的作用机制理论模型,并进行了实证分析。结果显示,中层经理战略承诺在战略执行流程和企业绩效间起中介作用。在此基础上指出了通过提升战略执行流程成熟度,提高中层经理战略承诺水平,进而提升企业绩效的路径和策略。 The empirical results of the previous literature on the dual relationship among the three constructs of strategic execution process,strategic commitment of middle managers and business performance show that the relationships between strategic execution process of enterprise performance and middle managers’strategic commitment has a positive influence,and middle managers’strategic commitment has a positive effect on corporate performance,but has not yet clarify the specific relationship among the three.Middle managers have always been regarded as the backbone of enterprise execution,but there is no clear research on the specific way and mechanism of their role.Based on the above questions,this paper proposes the core research hypothesis that middle managers’strategic commitment plays an intermediary variable between the two constructs of strategic execution process and enterprise performance,constructs the theoretical model of the mechanism of strategic execution process under the mediating role of middle managers’strategic commitment on enterprise performance,and conducts an empirical analysis.The results show that middle managers’strategic commitment plays an intermediary role between the strategic execution process and the enterprise performance.On this basis,the path and strategy are pointed out in the paper to improve the level of strategic commitment of middle managers and thus enterprise performance by improving the maturity of strategy execution process.
作者 李亚龙 张黎明 LI Ya-long;ZHANG Li-ming(Base of Guizhou Provicial Party School of Research Center for Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,Teaching and Research Department of Economics and Management,Guizhou Institute of Public Administration,Guiyang Guizhou 550028,China;Business School,Sichuan University,Chengdu Sichuan 610064,China)
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 北大核心 2020年第4期18-24,共7页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71240012) 中央党校2019年度全国地方党校(行政学院)重点调研课题 贵州省党校系统2019年度一般课题成果.
关键词 战略执行 中层经理 战略承诺 企业绩效 Strategic execution Process Middle manager Strategic commitment Enterprise performance
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