
不同悬沙组分对潮流的响应关系研究 被引量:1

Study on the Response of Suspended Sediment With Different Compositions to Tidal Current
摘要 通过建立一维水深平均悬沙模型,对典型潮流控制的海湾内不同悬沙组分对潮流的响应关系进行了研究。模型以泥沙的水平输运、再悬浮和沉降为主要物理过程,以M2,S2分潮及余流为主要动力因素,反演了湄洲湾支水道内粉砂、淤泥组分含量的时间序列,采用2007-08潮位、潮流、悬沙、底质同步观测资料进行分析和验证。通过三角傅里叶分析,将悬沙的时间序列分解为12个主要的谐波分量,模型分解得到的主要傅里叶分量具有M2分潮两倍的角速度与1/4日潮周期,该分量粉砂组分振幅6.1 mg/L,淤泥组分振幅1.5 mg/L;次主要傅里叶分量具有M2分潮的角速度,振幅受水平输沙、余流、M2分潮流共同影响,粉砂组分振幅4.9 mg/L,淤泥组分振幅1.2 mg/L。由于粉砂组分单位起动能力强、沉降速度高,且淤泥组分由于粘结力等因素起动条件较高,粉砂组分振幅高于淤泥组分。测站位置余流与涨潮流方向一致,余流致使涨潮过程中粉砂组分含量所占百分比上升,而落潮过程下降,淤泥组分则相反。 A one-dimensional depth-averaged suspended sediment concentration(SSC) model was established to study the response of suspended sediment to tidal current in the Meizhou Bay. The model includes major processes such as advection, resuspension, and deposition of the sediment, etc., and hydrodynamic force includes M2 and S2 tides. The model was employed to simulate the variation of silt and mud contents in branch of Meizhou Bay, and the tide, current, SSC and sediment measured/sampled in August, 2007 were used to validate the model results. Time series of both silt and mud SSC were decomposed with Fourier analysis into 12 harmonic components. The first principal Fourier component had twice the angular speed of M2 tide and demisemi-diurnal period, and its amplitudes of silt and mud were 0.006 1 kg/m3 and 0.001 5 kg/m3, respectively. The second principal Fourier component had the same angular speed as M2 tide, and its amplitude is mainly controlled by the joint effects of advection, M2 tide and residual current. The amplitudes of second principal Fourier component of silt and mud were 0.004 9 kg/m3 and 0.001 2 kg/m3, respectively. The amplitude of silt was larger than that of mud because of the higher incipient ability and settling velocity of silt and the higher incipient requirement of mud due to cohesive force. As the direction of residual current was in accordance with that of flood current, the composition percentage of silt was increased by residual current during flood tide but reduced during ebb tide. The situation for mud was opposite.
作者 朱子晨 胡泽建 刘建强 张莞君 张永强 黄炳智 ZHU Zi-chen;HU Ze-jian;LIU Jian-qiang;ZHANG Wan-jun;ZHANG Yong-qiang;HUANG Bing-zhi(First Institute of Oceanography,MNR,Qingdao 266061,China)
出处 《海洋科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期103-112,共10页 Advances in Marine Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目——粉砂海岸典型剖面极端海况泥沙运动观测及其动力机制研究(41276084)。
关键词 悬浮泥沙 M2分潮 S2分潮 傅里叶分析 粒径组分 湄洲湾 suspended sediment M2/S2 tidal constituent Fourier analysis grain diameters composition Meizhou Bay
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