

A Survey on Book-embedding of Planar Graphs
摘要 图书式嵌入问题主要起源于大型集成电路(VLSI)设计和多层线路板印刷(PCBs)设计等诸多领域,有广泛的应用价值.图的书式嵌入是将图的点集排在一条直线上(书脊)且将边嵌入到以书脊为边界的半平面上(页)使得同页中的边互不相交.其研究的一个重要参数是页数(满足条件所需的最小页数),该问题是NP-困难的.本文主要综述平面图书式嵌入问题的相关研究. The book-embedding problem arises in several area,such as very large scale integration(VLSI) design and routing multilayer printed circuit boards(PCBs).It can be used into various practical application fields.A book embedding of a graph G is an embedding of its vertices along the spine of a book,and an embedding of its edges to the pages such that edges embedded on the same page do not intersect.The minimum number of pages in which a graph G can be embedded is called the pagenumber or book-thickness of the graph G.It is an important measure of the quality for book-embedding.It is NP-hard to research the pagenumber of book-embedding for a graph G.This paper summarizes the studies on the book-embedding of planar graphs in recent years.
作者 关夏夏 吴楚雄 杨卫华 孟吉翔 GUAN Xiaxia;WU Chuxiong;YANG Weihua;MENG Jixiang(College of Mathematics,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan,Shanxi,030024,P.R.China;College of Mathematics and System Science,Xinjiang University,Urumqi,Xinjiang,830046,P.R.China)
出处 《数学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期1-12,共12页 Advances in Mathematics(China)
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.11671296).
关键词 书式嵌入 平面图 页数 book embedding planar graphs pagenumber
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