
TNF-α拮抗剂治疗复发性疱疹样脓疱病一例 被引量:1

Recurrent impetigo herpetiformis treated with TNF-α antagonist:a case report
摘要 患者,女,31岁。妊娠期反复脓疱加重1个月。患者8年前妊娠期曾全身出现红斑、脓疱,产后皮损自行消失。根据患者既往病史、症状、体征及辅助检查,诊断"疱疹样脓疱病",入院后予TNF-α拮抗剂皮下注射,辅以复方甘草酸苷、阿奇霉素抗炎及外用药治疗,1周后患者皮疹明显好转出院。 A 31-years-old female patient presented with widespread erythema and pustules during pregnancy,aggravating for 1 month.The patient had a history of the similar symptoms during pregnancy before 8 years ago and the lesions disappeared spontaneously after delivery.According to the patient s previous medical history,symptoms,physical signs and laboratory examination,the diagnosis of“impetigo herpetiformis”was made.The patient was injected subcutaneously with TNF-α antagonist,supplemented with Minol,Azithromycin anti-inflammatory and topical medication.The lesion was significantly improved after one week treatment.
作者 王娟娟 苏玉华 丁瑜洁 冷红 季江 施辛 WANG Juanjuan;SU Yuhua;DING Yujie;LENG Hong;JI Jiang;SHI Xin(Department of Dermatology,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,Suzhou 215004,China)
出处 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 2020年第3期171-173,共3页 China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases
基金 国自然青年科学基金项目(编号:81803127) 苏州市民生科技项目(编号:SS201643) 苏州市科技发展计划(编号:SYS2018056)。
关键词 疱疹样脓疱病 TNF-α拮抗剂 impetigo herpetiformis TNF-α antagonist
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