
微视频结合双语标准化病人在留学生皮肤性病学实习教学中的应用 被引量:7

Application of micro-video combined with bilingual standardized patients on dermatovenerology clinical practice in international medical students
摘要 目的探索基于微信平台的微视频结合双语标准化病人的教学方法在留学生皮肤性病学实习教学中的应用效果。方法选取2017年5至6月在中国医科大学附属盛京医院进行实习课的中国医科大学2013级国际临床医学专业留学生56人作为研究对象,随机分为实验组和对照组。在实习课中实验组采用基于微信平台的微视频结合双语标准化病人的教学方法,对照组采用传统教学方法。课程结束后对两组学生进行理论考试、临床病例考核及满意度调查,以评估学习效果。应用SPSS 21.0软件进行独立样本的t检验和卡方检验。结果两组理论考试成绩差异无统计学意义(t=1.48,P=0.144),但是实验组的临床病例考核成绩明显优于对照组(t=2.22,P=0.031)。满意度调查显示更多留学生希望接受新的教学方式,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.24,P=0.007);在巩固理论知识(χ2=4.766,P=0.029)、提高学习兴趣(χ2=4.073,P=0.044)、提高临床实践技能(χ2=4.667,P=0.031)、提高与患者沟通能力(χ2=6.411,P=0.011)、提高学习效果(χ2=4.667,P=0.031)方面,留学生对新的教学方法更满意,差异有统计学意义。结论在留学生的皮肤性病学教学中,应用基于微信平台的微视频结合双语标准化病人的方法可提高教学效果,可以作为一种新的教学方法进一步推广应用。 Objective To investigate the efficacy of micro-video based on WeChat platform combined with bilingual standardized patients on clinical practice of dermatovenerology in international medical students.Methods A total of 56 international clinical medical students from China Medical University who had their clinical practice class from May 2017 to June 2017 in Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University were selected as research objects,and were randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group.New teaching method of micro-video based on WeChat platform combined with bilingual standardized patients was applied in the experimental group and the traditional teaching method was used in the control group.After courses,the theoretical examination,clinical case assessment and satisfaction degree of the two groups were compared to assess the learning effect.All statistical analyses were performed with the independent sample t-test and Chi-square test with SPSS 21.0 software.Results There was no significant difference in the theoretical test scores between two groups(t=1.48,P=0.144),but the scores of the clinical case test in the experimental group were significantly better than those in the control group(t=2.22,P=0.031).Results of satisfaction survey showed that more foreign students preferred new teaching methods,with a statistically significant difference(χ2=7.24,P=0.007);in terms of consolidating theoretical knowledge(χ2=4.766,P=0.029),motivating learning interest(χ2=4.073,P=0.044),enhancing clinical practice skills(χ2=4.667,P=0.031),promoting communication ability with patients(χ2=6.411,P=0.011)and improving learning effect(χ2=4.667,P=0.031),foreign students were more satisfied with new teaching methods,with a statistically significant difference.Conclusion In the dermatovenerology clinical practice among international medical students,application of micro-video based on WeChat platform combined with bilingual standardized patients can improve the teaching effect,which can be further popularized and applied as a new teaching method.
作者 李琳 慕珍珍 杨帆 韩秀萍 Li Lin;Mu Zhenzhen;Yang Fan;Han Xiuping(Department of Dermatology,Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University,Shenyang 110004,China)
出处 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2020年第1期87-90,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
关键词 皮肤性病学 留学生 微信 微视频 双语标准化病人 Dermatovenerology International medical students WeChat Micro-video Bilingual standardized patients
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