

The Impact of Critical Realism on American Civilian Literature: Take Mark Twain’s Novels as an Example
摘要 19世纪在欧洲首先兴起的批判现实主义思潮,在19世纪末期逐步传入美国。批判现实主义思潮的发展与美国的发展历史密不可分,美国的建国史就是一部海外移民的创业史。支撑美国一路发展壮大的精神支柱就是"美国梦",而正是"美国梦"造就了美国文学。现实社会与"美国梦"的冲突让美国批判现实主义文学不断发展,不仅造就了马克·吐温等一批优秀的美国批判现实主义文学大家,而且也让近代美国文学在世界文学史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。 The critical realism that emerged in Europe in the nineteenth century was gradually introduced to the United States in the late nineteenth century. The development of critical realism is closely related to the development history of the United States.The founding history of the United States is a history of overseas immigrants’ entrepreneurship. The spiritual pillar supporting the development of the United States along the way is the "American Dream", and it is also the "American Dream" that has long existed in the United States. The conflict between literature, real society and the "American Dream" has led to the continuous development of American critical realism literature. Not only has Mark Twain and other outstanding American critical realism writers been a long time ago, but also modern American literature has left a strong mark in the history of world literature.
作者 窦晶 DOU Jing(School of Foreign Languages,Xuzhou Institute of Engineering,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221000,China)
出处 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第1期51-56,共6页 Journal of Langfang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 批判现实主义 马克·吐温 “美国梦” 平民文学 critical realism Mark Twain "American Dream" popular literature
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