随着国家二孩政策的全面放开,有相当一部分女性在备孕二孩时面临着不孕的困扰,其中心理因素影响所占的比例日益增高。本文从《傅青主女科 种子门》关于不孕的论述入手,分析了肝郁不孕的机理,强调临证治疗中注重疏肝解郁,及必要的心理疏导治疗,从而提高二孩妊娠率。
With the full implementation of the national two-child policy,a considerable number of women in the preparation of second children faced with infertility,in which psychological factors accounted for the increasing proportion of the impact.This article starts with the discussion of infertility in Fu Qingzhu NvKe,analyzes the mechanism of Ganyu Buyun(肝郁不孕),emphasizes Shugan Jieyu(疏肝解郁),and the necessary psychological counseling treatment in clinical treatment,thus improving the pregnancy rate of the seconds children.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine