洪:我最早得知Department of ARCHITECTURE是十年前在杂志上看到普吉岛莎拉度假酒店(Sala Phuket Resort),而后该项目获得泰国暹罗建筑师协会(Association of Siamese Architects,ASA)奖项。接着近十年时间您不将事务所定位在酒店项目上,相反完成一系列不同类型作品,如SunOne集团总部(SunOne)、邦盛海滩多功能亭(The Flow Pavilion)、The Commons商场(The Commons)、泰国创意与设计中心(Thailand Creative and Design Center),因此我更感兴趣的是当事务所被业主定位成酒店专家时,您是如何成功转型的(图1)?
Hung:I firstly knew the Department of ARCHITECTURE from the Sala Phuket Resort in a magazine ten years ago,and the project won an award of the Association of Siamese Architects(ASA).Ten years later,you do not position the firm on the hotel project.Instead,you have completed a series of different types of works,such as SunOne,The Flow Pavilion,The Commons,Thailand Creative and Design Center,so I am more interested in the office transition.How did you successfully transform your position which do not act as a hotel expert by the client expectation(Picture 1)?
World Architecture Review