

Multiple Magnetic Transitions and Magneto-transport of HoBi
摘要 通过自助溶剂法制备HoBi单晶样品,详细研究其磁性、磁输运性质,发现该材料具有复杂的磁化行为和极大的磁电阻.和一般的半金属不同的是:HoBi的磁电阻在磁相变过程中偏离二次方关系,表明磁有序相影响磁电阻的形成.此外,还发现载流子补偿及超高的迁移率是极大磁电阻产生的原因. In this paper,we synthesize HoBi single crystal by the self-flux method,study the magnetism and magneto-transport,and reveal its complicated magnetization behavior and extreme magnetoresistance.Different to common semimetals,the magnetoresistance of HoBi around the magnetic phase transition deviates from the quadratic dependence of field.Besides,the unexpected magnetoresistance is ascribed to the compensated carrier density and ultrahigh mobility.
作者 陈阳 周澜 屈瑞阳 房勇 韩志达 钱斌 江学范 CHEN Yang;ZHOU Lan;QU Ruiyang;FANG Yong;HAN Zhida;QIAN Bin;JIANG Xuefan(School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Changshu Institute of Technology,Changshu 215500,China;Jiangsu Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials,Changshu Institute of Technology,Changshu 215500,China)
出处 《常熟理工学院学报》 2020年第2期1-3,共3页 Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology
关键词 磁性 磁电阻 电子-空穴补偿 magnetism magnetoresistance electron-hole compensation
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