
静脉化疗肿瘤患者跌倒风险评估量表的编制及信效度分析 被引量:2

Development reliability and validity analysis of falling risk scale for tumor patients undergone intravenous chemotherapy
摘要 目的编制静脉化疗肿瘤患者跌倒风险评估量表,分析其在静脉化疗患者中的信效度。方法运用文献分析法、小组内讨论等方式编制静脉化疗肿瘤患者跌倒风险评估量表,经2轮专家咨询后形成静脉化疗肿瘤患者跌倒风险评估量表,采用偶遇抽样方法,选择新疆医科大学某临床医学院肿瘤内科符合纳排标准的静脉化疗肿瘤患者进行调查,评价量表的信度和效度。结果编制的静脉化疗肿瘤患者跌倒风险评估量表包含8个维度,共40个条目;量表内容效度为0.905;经检验KMO值为0.787,Bartlett的形度检验值为22947.891(P<0.01)。通过主成分分析和最大方差正交旋转法提取出特征值大于1的公因子11个,累计贡献量为80.445%。量表的总Cronbach′sα系数为0.897,各维度的Cronbach′sα系数为0.509~0.857,折半系数为0.852,重测信度为0.869。结论该量表具有良好的信度和效度,可有效评价静脉化疗肿瘤患者跌倒风险,并为医务人员实施风险防范措施提供依据。 Objective To develop a fall risk assessment scale for patients with intravenous chemotherapy and to analyze its reliability and validity in patients with intravenous chemotherapy.MethodsAfter two rounds of expert consultation,the fall risk assessment scale for patients with intravenous chemotherapy was developed.Tumor patients undergone the intravenous chemotherapy were selected to evaluate the reliability and validity of the scale in the department of breast cancer and in the department of lung cancer of hospitals that were affiliated to Xinjiang Medical University.ResultsThe fall risk assessment scale for patients with intravenous chemotherapy included 8 dimensions with a total of 40 items,the content validity of the scale was 0.905,and the KMO value was 0.787.The value of shape test was 22947.891(P<0.01).Eleven common factors with values greater than 1 were extracted by principal component analysis and maximum variance orthogonal rotation method,and the cumulative contribution was 80.445%.Total Cronbach′s of the scale where the coefficient was 0.897,and the Cronbach′s of each dimension was 0.509-0.857,the half coefficient was 0.852,and the retest reliability was 0.869.ConclusionThe scale has good reliability and validity,and can effectively evaluate the risk of falling in patients with intravenous chemotherapy,thereby providing the preventive measurements for clinicians.
作者 王娟 杜新香 徐枭喻 李雪 张翠萍 WANG Juan;DU Xinxiang;XU Xiaoyu;LI Xue;ZHANG Cuiping(Department of Palliative Medicine,the Affilitaed Tumor Hospital,Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830011,China;Department of Nursing,the Affilitaed Tumor Hospital,Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830011,China;Operating Room, the Affilitaed Tumor Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830011, China)
出处 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2020年第3期360-364,共5页 Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
基金 新疆医科大学科研创新基金(XYDCX201666)。
关键词 化疗 跌倒 量表 信度 效度 Chemotherapy fall scale reliability validity.
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