2020 年 2 月国内金融运行的主要特点是:2 月末,M2 增速同比上升;前两个月社会融资规模同比多增,人民币贷款同比多增,人民币存款同比少增;2 月份银行间市场利率有所下降;2 月末,人民币汇率与上月末比贬值 1.7%,海外市场对人民币汇率的贬值预期有所减弱。
In February 2020,the main characteristics of domestic financial performance were as follows:at end-February,the growth rate of M2 increased y-o-y;in the first two months,the increase of all-system financing aggregate showed a more increment y-o-y;the RMB loans registered a larger increase y-o-y and the RMB deposits registered a smaller increase y-o-y in the first two months;the interest rate in the inter-bank market decreased in February;at end-February,the RMB exchange rate depreciated by 1.7%from end-January,and the RMB depreciation expectations in the offshore market were weakened.
China Money