
重视教师职业焦虑现状 确保高校外语教育质量

An Empirical Study of the English Teachers'Occupational Anxiety and the Improvement of Foreign Language Teaching in Colleges and Universities
摘要 本研究以粤东西北部分高校外语教师为主要研究对象,目的是探索新时期高校外语教师职业焦虑现状及其与相关因变量(性别、年龄、职称、学历、学校类别、周课时量)之间的关系。研究工具为作者在TFLAS(Horwitz,2008)基础上创新设计的《外语教师职业焦虑量表》(ETOAS)。研究结果显示:受测高校外语教师的职业焦虑总体程度为中等水平,相关单项职业焦虑均值有中低水平,也有高等水平;三个年龄阶段教师职业焦虑频率均值之间、三种职称层次外语教师焦虑频率均值之间,未发现显著性差异;本科学历(学位)和硕士学历(学位)外语教师之间的职业焦虑程度基本相同;每周授课11~14节与15节以上教师之间的职业焦虑程度大体相当,但要高于每周授课10节以下的外语教师;男教师的职业焦虑程度要高于女教师;专科高校教师职业焦虑程度明显高于本科高校教师;硕士学历(学位)教师职业焦虑程度要高于博士学历(学位)教师。转型期国内欠发达地区高校外语教师职业焦虑目前鲜见研究。本研究揭示了这些地区乃至其它地方高校外语教育的一些现实问题,以期唤取高校管理者关注并采取有效措施,最大限度地加速区域外语教育的内涵发展。 This study is an investigation of the status quo of the occupational anxiety(OA)currently experienced by the English teachers in colleges and universities located in the western,northern and eastern areas of Guangdong Province,China,as well as the relationship between their OA and the dependent variables such as gender,age grades,academic titles,educational backgrounds,school categories,and weekly class hours.The research instrument was the Foreign Language Teachers'Occupational Anxiety Scale developed by the present researcher based on TFLAS(Horwitz,2008).The results show that the level of the FLT teachers'general OA was moderate,and the means of their individual anxiety items were at the low,moderate and high levels;there were no significant differences in the relationships among their OAs of three age grades,between their OAs of undergraduate and postgraduate backgrounds,and the OAs of them who taught 11~14 periods per week and over 15 periods per week.However,significant differences are found that the participants teaching 11~14 periods per week experienced a higher level of OA than those teaching less than 10 periods per week;the participants from junior colleges experienced a higher level of OA than those from undergraduate colleges;the participants with a postgraduate background experienced a higher level of OA than those with a doctorate background.Actually,few studies were found conducted of the English teachers'occupational anxiety in the colleges and universities situated in the underdeveloped areas.This study is aimed at revealing the special regularity through the empirical study of the OA experienced by the participants teaching in such and other areas,so that an evocation of relative administrators'attentions could be made for effective measures to speed up the connotative development of regional English education.
作者 韦建华 WEI Jianhua
出处 《高教学刊》 2020年第10期1-6,共6页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目“转型期粤东西北高校英语教师职业焦虑及应对策略”(编号:GD16WXZ25) 广东石油化工学院优秀教学团队资助项目“外语技能系列课程教学团队”(编号:JXTD201924)成果之一。
关键词 转型期 地方高校 外语教师 职业焦虑 现状 transitional period local colleges and universities foreign language teachers occupational anxiety(OA) status quo
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