Researchers have suggested that forgiveness can be beneficial for social stability, family harmony, and happiness in marriage. College students as subjects group’s research shows that forgiveness can reduce the attack behavior in college students’ interpersonal conflict, promote its produce more prosocial behavior. Therefore, forgiveness is a positive factor in promoting the physical and mental health and interpersonal relationships of adolescents. According to the individual difference multifactor system theory, individual difference factors, as an integral part of the style and value system, will inevitably affect the learning-coping stratum( cognitive,affective), and then regulate individual behavioral responses. Therefore, it is necessary for researchers to integrate individual differences that limit cognitive executive function to explore their negative effects on the forgiveness behavioral inhibition mechanism of college students. A total sample of 550 college students from some universities was selected, with 184 males and 306 females, the average age was 21. 76-yearold. The questionnaires included the Big Five Inventory( NEO. PI-R), Forgiveness Scale( FS), Adult Attachment Scale( AAS) and Humor Style Questionnaire( HSQ). Data was collected and analyzed with Spss 25.0, Amos21.0 and Mplus7.4, and the bias-corrected percentile Bootstrap method was used to analyze the role of anxiety attachment and aggressive humor style between neuroticism and college students’ forgiveness, as well as test the common method variance. Results showed that the study was in-existent common method variance. The results show that:(1) The relationships between each pair of neuroticism, anxiety attachment, aggressive humor style and negative reaction, Negative reaction disappearance, self-attention are correlated significantly, the correlation coefficient ranges-. 41 from.66( p <.01);(2) The Structural Equation Model( SEM) reveals that the data fits the theoretical model well( χ~2/df =3. 63, CFI =. 95, TLI =. 91, SRMR =. 04, RMSEA =. 07).(3) Neuroticism has a significant direct effect on forgiveness(β =-.24, p <.01);neuroticism has a significant direct effect on anxiety attachment(β =.47, p <.01);anxiety attachment has a significant direct effect on forgiveness(β =-. 17, p <.01);aggressive humor style has a significant direct effect on forgiveness( β =-. 34, p <.01);Interaction has a significant direct effect on forgiveness(β =-.11, p <.01).(4) Neuroticism has a significant indirect effect on forgiveness through anxiety attachment, and the confidence interval of 95% is [-. 01,-. 003];(5) Aggressive humor style moderates the relation between neuroticism and forgiveness of college students, that is, there is a significant more negaitive relation between neuroticism and forgiveness under the high aggressive humor style level than under the low aggressive humor style level. It is concluded that in the structural equation model of neuroticism on forgiveness of college students,anxiety attachment plays a partial mediating role and aggressive humor style moderates the direct effect. These findings suggest some measures of prevention and treatment for college students’ Forgiveness should be taken. in order to help them improve forgiveness behavior, further enhancing college students’ ability to deal with interpersonal conflict.
Zhao Siqi;Zhang Shouchen;Zhu LiJuan;Jia YanRu;Jin Tonglin;Jiang Yongzhi(School of Education,Harbin Normal University,Harbin,150025;College of Education and Science,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot,010022;Department of Social Psychology,Nankai University,Tianjin,300350)
Journal of Psychological Science
college students
anxiety attachment
aggressive humor style