
绿色变革型领导对团队绿色行为的影响:基于社会认知视角的本土探索 被引量:8

Green Transformational Leadership and Team Green Behavior: An Indigenous Study from the Perspective of Social Cognitive Theory
摘要 本研究检验了绿色变革型领导对团队绿色行为的影响,并从社会认知的视角探索团队绿色自我效能的中介作用和团队集体主义氛围的调节作用。对104份团队数据进行分析,结果发现:绿色变革型领导与团队绿色行为呈正相关,团队绿色自我效能在上述过程中起着部分中介作用;团队集体主义氛围正向调节了团队绿色自我效能与团队绿色行为的直接关系,以及绿色变革型领导与团队绿色行为之间经由团队绿色自我效能的间接效应。本研究的结果能够为如何管理团队绿色行为提供启发。 Faced with the increasing environmental pollution, the society has called organizations to take the environmental responsibility and to adopt green management practice. Since leaders are always regarded as the monitors of organizational activities, scholars have gradually recognized the crucial role that the leaders play in organizations’ green management, i.e., encouraging members to strive for the green goals. Hence, the concept of green transformational leadership emerges in recent years. Green transformational leadership refers to that leaders motivate followers to strive for the organizational green vision and encourage followers to achieve green performance beyond expectation. To date, green transformational leadership has been found to facilitate followers’ green behavior, which refers to a kind of behavior that contributes to the sustainable development of the environment in the workplace.Although prior studies contribute to our understanding of the function of green transformational leadership, we still know little about the team level consequence of green transformational leadership. Nowadays, many organizations have adopted the team structure consisting of various human resources to respond to the rapidly changing market. Under this background, it is necessary to explore the effect of green transformational leadership on team green behavior. Besides, to help us gain a more comprehensive understanding of the consequences of green transformational leadership, we also aim to reveal the underlying mechanism and boundary condition of the relationship between green transformational leadership and team green behavior. Specifically, we draw on social cognitive theory and propose the mediating role of team green self-efficacy and the moderating role of team collectivism climate. Overall, this study puts forward a moderated mediation model where green transformational leadership exerts strong positive effects on team green behavior through green self-efficacy when the team has a high level of collectivism climate.To test out theoretical model, we surveyed 121 work teams in manufacturing industry and got 104 effective responses. The results of regression analysis showed that:(1) Green transformational leadership was positively related to team green behavior;(2) Team green self-efficacy mediated the relationship between green transformational leadership and team green behavior;(3) Team collectivism climate moderated the positive relationship between team green self-efficacy and team green behavior, such that green self-efficacy predicted green behavior more strongly under the condition of high collectivism climate;(4) Team collectivism climate moderated the indirect effect of green transformational leadership on team green behavior through the mediating role of green self-efficacy, such that green transformational leadership had stronger effect on team green behavior via green selfefficacy under the condition of high collectivism climate.This study contributes to the literature in several aspects. First, this study expands our knowledge about the consequences of green transformational leadership by shifting the focus from individual green behavior to team green behavior. Second, this study responds to the call for team studies in green management literature and contributes to the literature through identifying green transformational leadership as a facilitator of team green behavior. Third, this study serves as a complementary to the prior literature by revealing the mediating mechanism(i.e., green self-efficacy) and the boundary condition(i.e., collectivism climate). Finally, our results provide some insights for practitioners with regard to promoting workplace green behavior, such as developing leaders’ green leadership and enhancing members’ confidence about their green ability.
作者 汤敏慧 彭坚 Tang Minhui;Peng Jian(School of Management,Jinan University,Guangzhou,510632;School of Management,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou,510006)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1478-1484,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71802019) 教育部人文社科基金青年基金项目(18YJC630230)的资助。
关键词 绿色变革型领导 团队绿色行为 团队绿色自我效能 团队集体主义氛围 社会认知 green transformational leadership team green behavior green self-efficacy team collectivism climate social cognitive theory
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