
美国天使投资市场发展对我国的启示 被引量:1

The Enlightenment of American Angel Investment Market Development To China
摘要 天使投资能够有效纾解部分中小企业在创立和发展过程中的的资金短缺问题。本文通过比较分析中美两国天使投资市场发展现状,发现我国天使投资市场存在规模小、税负重、退出困难、市场落后等问题,应从环境建设、政策制定、投资管理等方面促进我国天使投资市场的发展。 The angel investment can effectively solve the financing bottleneck of the establishment and development of the small and medium-sized enterprises.From the current situations of the angel investment market development in China and the United States,there are some problems in angel investment market in China,such as small scale,heavy tax burden,difficult exit,backward market and weak government guidance.Therefore,we should promote the development of angel investment market in China from the aspects of environmental construction,policy formulation and investment management.
作者 李海涛 邱红星 LI Haitao;QIU Hongxing(Jiangsu Union Technical Institute,Suzhou Jiangsu 215104;Hangzhou Branch of Huzhou Bank,Huzhou Zhejiang 310006)
出处 《西部金融》 2019年第11期80-84,共5页 West China Finance
关键词 天使投资 美国 私募股权 投资基金 the angel investment the United states the private equity the investment funds
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